Thursday, September 19, 2013


     The way I see it, anyway.
     There's something that some of us are failing to see about the thinking of the loons we are facing on the Left. First of all, we can go back 50 years and look at the behavior that hasn't changed in that length of time.
     They are Anti-Constitutional. They are Anti-war of any kind, that is of course, unless they wage it. They are anti-draft. They are anti-flag. They are flag burners. They are by self determination, everything that disrespects good old American Patriotism.
     They are all of those things for sometimes different reasons, but universally, the bottom line is, they are still, and are always going to be, all of those things.
     It's unfortunately a mindset, that the rest of us in the majority aren't going to change. But it is something we should at least recognize, they are definitely not going to change.
     They are the same old, typically bearded, sandal wearing, hashish pipe smoking jerk-offs that have never given up on their dumb "Peacenik" ideas that peace in the world might be the answer to "Global Warming".
     They have the tendency to be, if not homosexual, then at least bi-sexual and through the use of the word "Compromise" have managed to change such things as the perception of  obviously "perverted" homosexuality to "Alternative Normal", and the law of the land according to our Judeo/Christian beliefs that marriage is "between a man and a woman". This mis-interpreted by a bi-sexual minded Federal Judge to now being legal for same sex marriage.
     Their perception of peace in the world, as has been Jimmy Carter's, Bill Clinton's and now Barack Obama's, is that if every country in the world had the same arms and weapons as the United States of America, no one would want to go to war, for fear of being wiped out themselves.
     E.G.: If you look back to the days of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and now, Barack Obama, our top secret weapons information went out to our Communist enemies through manufactured leaks as though coming out of a sieve. They all had, and still have, that sort of reasoning in mind.
      In the meantime, we have to go on with business as usual, pampering their childish whimpers and when forced to do so, defend this country militarily and morally when unexpected events take place in our real world.
     With the Radical Islamic World in mind, the use of these nuclear and biological weapons would only be a "Win, win" situation, because they think, when they, the Muslims, forfeit their lives for the sake of Allah, they will be rewarded with dozens of virgins when they reach heaven.
     They're all that kind of "stupid" in that regard including the thoughts from, "The Enemy Within" our borders.  I refer to the "Muslim Brotherhood."
     Until we all, as patriotic Americans recognize these Chameleons regardless of what color they really are, for what they are, we won't clearly realize what we have to do to reverse their ongoing trend to "Compromise".
     To compromise in this case is to surrender our moral obligations to God, a little bit more each time., and they in turn, gain a little bit more each time.
     For us, we are putting ourselves in a position of "Defense" where we never win.
     Surely we should have learned a lesson from the 2008 election when the "Communistic" Democrats took total control for two short years and changed the political make-up of our Constitution from something respectful, to what is now considered by them to be a "Joke". Something they understand to believe should be used for their defense when they need it, but not useful to us when we so badly need it.
     It's a clear-cut example of, "Don't do as I do, but do as I say".
     Maybe ignoring the Constitution for once in defense of ourselves, by ignoring their claim to it when they need it, might be a fair change of heart.
    Operating outside the boundaries of our three Sacred Documents in a way that would "Compromise" them is treasonous to say the least, anyway. Isn't it??
      As a closing statement I would like to tender this advice; Should we ever be in a unique position to have two thirds majority as Republicans in both the House of Representatives and the Senate along with a Republican President, Please don't hesitate to rush behind closed doors, locking out the minority Communists, disabling them to filibuster due to the lockout. Then , without thought or understanding the damage you'll be undoing, nullify every law and mistake that was ever made by them while they were there, and forever ban the disillusional name of "Progressive." (A soft term for Communist)
      Also change the term "Alternative Normal" back to "Perverted", petition the Supreme Court to disallow same-sex marriage and then proceed to make use of extra jails to hold the thieves who have robbed our treasury when we weren't looking.
      I'm open to comments! Anyone???   Just sayin'.

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