Monday, September 30, 2013


     The worst legal voter there can possibly be, is a dedicated voter who faithfully votes in every election because they feel they owe it to their Country as a Citizen. Yet they don't know the first thing about the facts. They're voting on the assumption that the Politician and Party they are throwing their support behind is going to do the right thing.
     They aren't asking themselves this one very important question; Is the person they're voting for running on behalf of the Constituents alone or are they running on behalf of a Special Interest Group.
     I'll argue, if the money the politician is using comes mostly from a Special Interest Group that doesn't represent the most desired concerns of the Consumers (which 90% of us are!) but instead money,then that politician is not going to be acting most of the time on behalf of the Consumer, but on behalf of the Special Interest Group. But for the voters all the while, they are naively of the assumption they can take the politicians word for the "Gospel" truth! (Which it probably won't be!)
     Why don't they know the facts? Well... a great deal of the time they have been advised by the same politician or Party they trust, "not to believe anything they hear, and only half of what they see!" Unless of course, they hear it from the Politician or the Special Interest Group that claims to represent them, but really doesn't.
     The particular Party I'm referring to, can only be "The Progressive Party" since their preferred name change from the "Democratic" Party because "Democratic" is not in anyway similar to their intended notions and un-Democratic plans for "Change" to this Country.
     You can look this up for yourself and you'll find that "Progressive" was the name back in the old days that the "Communist Party of America" changed it's name to when it fell out of favor with the American electorate. Their intentions didn't change, but I guess they thought they should soften the terminology a little bit. (Subterfuge has been a long time strategy of theirs, much the same as today!) I don't believe they've reverted back from "Democratic" to "Progressive" is just a coincidence, but just a step toward the eventual name, "Communist" when they feel it's appropriate, but not just now. Not until they're more sure that we have gone too far to reverse it.
      You can thank the Conservative Party and the General Electorate for wrenching control of the House of Representatives away from them in 2010 and placing it's control back to the Republicans. Because that's the only thing that's held them back from destroying our Constitutional way of life altogether. There's no doubt, they would have done it by now, otherwise.
      There is a very difficult job ahead, trying to convince the above referenced naïve voter to recognize the facts and the "other side of the story" once they've been trained to never tune themselves into what someone might have to say that would contradict whatever they've been instructed and trained to think.
      It's difficult to de-program people with this kind of mindset once they've been taught it, because they refuse to believe they've been "Brainwashed" in the first place.
      The last resort I must caution you about is an explosion of temper, mainly because you're interfering with the Eutopia they have created for themselves
      in the belief that I mentioned before, "Believe nothing what you hear, and half of what you see", unless hearing it from us!. That's there demand.
      Another great ploy they have is to encourage them not to get into conversation with anyone who might make reference to something that would be in contradiction to what they think. They're taught to respond by saying, "I don't believe in confrontation!" Often followed by, "Could we please change the subject?" Or, in order to deflect a reference to something done by the Current Administration that's un-Constitutional, "The Republicans did it too!" or "All of them are the Same!" or (There favorite saying) "George W. Bush did it!" or "Ronald Reagan did it!" Or their greatest defense, "Please, lets' not spoil a good time by you arguing about it!" and many more including "You people are so unhappy all the time!" "Why are you always so unhappy?"
      An unknown author once said, "When rape is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it!"
      I often think that's similar to what they want us to do! Well.... Holler like hell!
      And last but not least, (Something I've mentioned several times before when you're talking to someone who's not just an uninformed, innocent believer, but truly one of their "Atheist believer Pundits,") is the phony smile they have been in "the lockstep habit" of displaying with the look on their face as if to say, "I'm so much wiser than you!".
      I swear, you couldn't wipe that smile off their face with a "knock out" punch.
      Until we all learn to counter their tactics by exposing them to being the phonies that they truly are to the legal voting population of this Country, They're always going to dominate the political issues with their "Arm and Hammer." system. 
       The second most dangerous voter is the improper or illegal one. If the voting rules aren't enforced and offenders aren't dealt with appropriately, we're going to have an election disaster worse than 2012.
     It's a 'must' that those voters be forced to produce proper documentation in order to register to vote, otherwise the same thugs will get their way again. I sure don't hear much chatter on the matter right now.  
      I still feel if the "Phony" Federally appointed judges had done their job in accordance with the Constitution, as was their job, the enemy of the Gov't of the people would never have gotten elected in the first place! Just sayin'.

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