Sunday, October 6, 2013


     Isn't it ironic? To think, during the first election of Barack Obama, we were so naïve to think we were having an honest, Constitution following, normal election. One in which both sides of the illegal voting, freedom loving Americans would go to the election polling booths and faithfully, religiously cast their votes for whom they assumed would do business as usual.
    Gov't business, whereby the Representatives and the President would abide by all the rules of our sacred 3 Documents that have guided us for approx. 240 years, give or take a few. But it was not to happen!
     Exactly the opposite has happened. The election was rigged from the beginning, with the help of the notoriously Sacrilegious groups such as "Acorn", "NOW", (National Organization of Women ) and the Major Unions of America including The Teamsters' Union, The AFL-CIO and last but not least, the International Companies and Billionaire Investors of the World.
     Mostly which are in a position because of their wealth to "Issue The Orders". which they plan to do, not in a fashion of "the tail wagging the dog" anymore as the "Worker Bees in the lower ranks of the intended plan are still in the middle of doing, but because They ARE the "DOG"!
     It's easy for me to distinguish who the "Worker Bees" are when I'm among them now, and once you read the first 50 pages of this book, you will too, and you will also understand why they're pushing  for it.
      They all have the persona of  being self-serving and aren't worried about the consequences to the "Sheeple". It's what's in it for them!!
     You only have to read the book "Trilaterals Over Washington", vol. #1, to realize the planned intentions of the Upper members in the "Trilateral Commission" that began being set up for the whole civilized World circa 1973. You will be disappointed as I was, to learn what they have had in store for the Industrial, productive part of the Globe. To anyone 40 or over, you will recognize all of the names of famous people, of  whom you and I thought were there for us, but instead were, and are there for International figures and their own personal gain.
     Sadly, it will also bring to light, the fact that it's in their plans to make any thought of there being a Supreme Master of the Universe just a fairy tale. They will officially outlaw "God".
     Also, as I have, you will see that the freedom we have clung to for so many cherished years will  exist no more, if and when they accomplish their mission.
     Compassion as we know it will become non-existent.
     A brief outline of  what's in store for the Continent of North America and the "Trilateral Commission's" plans for us will be apparent in the first pages of this revealing book.
     You can also find all the major facts about it on the Internet by typing in "The Trilateral Commission", or "The Trilateral Commission Conspiracy" or the "Trilateral Commission Members".
     It's all there and you'll suddenly be able to connect the dots in my past blogs.
     Look over your shoulder and you'll probably be looking at one of the more lowly "Community Organizers" that wander among us. They're in it for "them"!!! As I speak, they sit in groups, planning for the day they are appointed a tenured position on one panel or another.
      You see, they view themselves as being that one "Cut above" the rest of us people who resent their actions and as one of them described me the other day, I'm spreading "Right Wing Propaganda"! I ask you to judge for yourself , once you've read what I'm so humbly asking you to do. Just sayin'.

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