Friday, October 11, 2013


    It's no hidden secret anymore! "The Community Organized" Left Wing portion of the "Progressive" Party that took over control of our Gov't in 2008 has taken an Anti-Patriotic stance when it comes to our Constitution right from the get-go.
     It's comprised of various minority and Special Interest groups who for years, have used the Bill of Rights, Constitution and Declaration of Independence to their best use when they needed it to cover for their actions. But then have blatantly ignored it when we, the General populace, wished them to abide by it while we needed it most.
     How convenient!! They're doing all of the talking and over-talking to such an extent that we, the Sheeple can only sit and listen while they stuff the rhetoric down our throats.
     All the time depleting our Military of the means and capabilities we need to combat any hostile aggression that does come, and may come our way.
     Withdrawing our fighting Forces while telegraphing our every move to the enemy in the Middle East, our own "Muslim Brotherhood" and Atheist factions from within have despised this Country's success from the past and have no intention to take a stand against the well known terrorist organizations such as the Taliban and Al Qaida.
     The Taliban was organized within Afghanistan by tribal Chiefs who chose them to protect certain tribes against the aggressions of  the Mujahadeen who represented other rival Tribes. Heroin for example was and is a major trade in Afghanistan by the rivaling major tribes.
     Pakistan has a common connection to both the Taliban and Al Qaida. They're considered "Cousins" in the war of Terrorism and are both favored by Pakistan which allows both
Terrorist Organizations to harbor there.  
     Barack Hussein Obama has been sympathetic to those factions and, in case you haven't noticed, has reduced all pursuits and aggression towards them.
     It was unsuspected friendly behavior towards them that, if more people had known his background and shadowed plans, even with the illegal votes he mustered up in 2008, he would not have been elected.
     Along with his Crony friends, he entered the Federal political scene under the guise of being a Convert to Christianity and took the White House by storm.
     It has become quite clear he wasn't a Christian at all, and there's some "tongue in cheek" druthers as to how he has so cleverly mixed his "Muslim Brotherhood" background and Atheism, whom both he fondly supports. One thing is clear, he loathes Christianity and the Constitution that is based on Judeo/Christian beliefs.
     His actions for the last five years have been anything but friendly to the traditional American way.
     What has taken me by surprise, is the treachery of the American citizens who still support him this very day, and how they managed to infiltrate our educational system and took dictatorial command of our regular normal ways.
     But now that we know and recognize his madman ploy for our future, including his stubborn system of non-negotiating, along with his active supporters who think there's something in it for their narcissistic tendencies themselves, we need to stand our traditional American ground and do whatever it takes to bring them down.
     Every move he has ever made is clear that he has to, and intends to destroy our Judeo/Christian way of living in America as we know it.
    It's time to stop trying to compromise with evil, and stop it in it's tracks. To evil people, every compromise is their gain. God never compromised with the Devil, and neither should we! Just sayin'.

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