Sunday, November 10, 2013


     In previous blogs, I've attempted to rationalize the behavior of our politicians and in particular, who would really be the man to lead the charge for the mixture of opposition Parties. I use parties in the plural, because if we're ever to gain back some sanity and the Constitutional system that served us well for all the past years, it's going to take all the Christian religions and parties other than the Communistic,  Socialists in there now, to work as one organized group.
     As I also pointed out, we always had our differences and aims in the past for the directions each party wanted to go, but without a doubt, in ways that stayed within the confines of our 3 sacred documents. That was without a doubt, the key to success.
    We can't deny, those documents served us very well over the past 235 years.
    Now, because of the present Government in power and it's devious, power hungry grab to harness our individual freedoms that we have enjoyed so well, the only way they're ever going to be unseated, is to be led by a "grass roots" Leader who can do us the honor of restoring our sanity and common sense to the will of the common people.
     Although the Governorship of New Jersey has been won by re-election of it's sitting Governor
Chris Christie, it's glaringly obvious that through his resounding win by a large margin there, that he has suddenly acquired the wish to pursue the future Presidency of the United States.
     Today on Fox News, Chris Wallace interviewed him and asked him what he thought the United Staes needed should he get in as President. What did he say? Well, in a general sense he said he thought that both Parties need to engage in more willingness to "compromise,"
     With that remark he became clear to me he hasn't been paying any attention to anything that's been going on except in the State of New Jersey.
     Otherwise he would not have brought up that ridiculous word "Compromise"
     Are we sure we want a future President who will be willing to "compromise" our Constitutional way of governing to the likes of the thugs that have been "uncompromising" for 5 years? They only time they did was to gain something, but never, ever losing by way of "Compromise."
     Since they got in power, the Government has never given in on a compromise except to gain something that takes us farther away from the Constitution. Have we gained anything? No!! It's always been in their favor and each they gain a little. (All those 'littles' add up to a lot.)
     So each time we compromise in their direction, they win and we forfeit something.
     It's time to throw our weight behind someone who will stop the bleeding once and for all. It isn't Chris Christie!
     Sure, he won big in the polls there as far as Governor of New Jersey goes, but take a good look at New Jersey and tell me what New Jersey has to offer the rest of the country that would take us back in the direction of the American way?
     Tell me you want a guy who has a loud mouth except when he's got his foot in it, to run the whole country of the U.S. on your behalf.
     He's good there, but leave him there!! He's been too willing in the past to throw the meaning of our Constitution under the bus along with some good, up and coming "breaths of fresh air" Conservative prospects.
     We've got some good prospective candidates who have finally stepped up to the plate to do what they promised to do, and are willing to fight the fight we so badly need and will quit "Compromising" everything concerning our individual freedoms. Freedom isn't on the table when it comes to "compromising"
     "Compromising" is what he's advocating, and that's something that we need to quit doing.
     Sometimes I get the impression he's been listening a little too much to Barack Obama since he gave him that loving bear-hug that seemed to last forever. Just sayin'.


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