Sunday, January 5, 2014


     Time and again, the Obama gang commits acts that are either borderline to, or directly in defiance of our great Constitution. Time and time again there isn't any Liberal backing scholar ,or would-be one, that has satisfactorily explained to me why! Of course they know why, but they don't have the guts to come out and tell me!
     Why is that so? Well..... it's easy! It's because at the end of it all, they have there own personal gains in mind. Now, those gains may be immoral or legitimate in their mind, but in the minds of the Founding Fathers who drafted and wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, their personal gain would probably not be good for someone or anything else.
     Those documents were carefully considered and written with the protection of every legal citizen in mind. No exceptions to the rule!
     There isn't anything more to explain.
     It's written in a manner that the common man can understand, and they intentionally went through a lot of aches and pains to do it. They wanted everyone to thorough understand what there rights were. After all, the United States had just fought a very nasty war to free themselves from a British Monarchy that had suppressed the common man from the time of the first King and Queen.
     The people of the Mayflower had sailed away into the stormy North Atlantic for the New World, just to escape the tyranny and unbearable bonds of the British, French and Spanish Monarchies.
     We must not forget the Founding Fathers ancestry that, having witnessed the bonds of a Godless Reign of Taxation without representation, constructed those documents in a manner that would guarantee it would never occur under the protection of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
     Now we have a Regime of God defying people who, if we let them get their way, will take us back even further than the Monarchies, and into the hands of a man who would be our Dictator, Barack Hussein Obama!
     What is it about this that would justify anybody wanting to step out from under the umbrella of the sacred Constitution. It can only be strictly for their own selfish gain, and to hell with the consequences to anybody else.
     With the United States having been the most successful Large Country in the world through following the Constitution's guidance for more than two Centuries, why on earth would we want to change that??   Just sayin'.

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