Monday, February 24, 2014


     When the "Obamacare" Act first got started, Obama absolutely beamed when hearing the name. Why? Because it was, what he thought would be, the idea of the century and bearing his name on it. He had accomplished nothing of significance until that point in time and at last, would even trump Delano Roosevelt's triumph of establishing The "Social Security" Act of 1935.
      Beaming with accomplishment at the victory, (Aided by the devious switcheroo that Chief Justice John Roberts pulled by calling it a 'Tax") and thereby qualifying it to be legal when it was about to go down in defeat at the hands of the Supreme Court, Obama proudly stuffed it down the throats of the American Electorate.
      He declared loudly to 300 million plus listeners that it would save each family $2500.00 in the United States per year. Remember that???
      As time went on, and as one blunder after another that came out of his mouth in his magnificent teleprompter speeches were proven to be lies, and America found out through some people who had truly specialized in Math, it would end up costing up to $6000.00 or more per year per family, he decided he had better change the name to "Affordable" Care Act instead.
      Alas, his hopes began to fade that the nickel may not bare his face over Lincolns after all. (It was a sad day for Michelle!)
     Anyway, after increasing "His" government by 30,000 employees or so for special needs that weren't necessary before he took over, such as the NLRB, NSA, EPA and IRS, He is cutting our military budget to end up lower than it was before World War 2. (Watch Fox News for that info.)
     He's also cutting the pay and benefits for all the living military retirees who offered their lives in previous conflicts as well.
     Don't forget his statement, "If you like your present plan, you can keep it. Period!" "If you like your doctors, you can keep them. Period!" All of those statements were made with him knowing very well at the time, they were not true!!
     Did you ever think, in the middle of two wars against Radical Muslim Terrorists, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, who murder their own people and God loving Christians around the World in the most heinous way, we would elect a President who was raised and trained in the Muslim Faith including Sharia Law to the supreme office of the United States of America, and keeping him there??
     A President who has openly displayed contempt, along with his supporters for the  Constitution, the Military who defends us, the freedom of Religion, the treasury that finances us, ignores the laws governing the process of elections, releases Terrorists back to the control of Al Qaida just to rejoin their fight for 'The Muslim Brotherhood" in Iraq and Afghanistan, and most grievous of all, Supplies them with arms to further fight their assault on Freedom, Democracy and Christians.
     Can anyone find one lick of sense to all of that??
     Now that we know what he's up to, what do we do about it? Leave him in there? Good gosh!!
     Just sayin'.

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