Friday, February 21, 2014


     I say this because I don't think God has a speck of negativity in his body. His main purpose is wanting us to believe in him.
     I believe the main purpose of Jesus was not to convince us he was the Son of God as much as he wanted us to follow the desires of God as he knew them to be.
     I will never argue that he wasn't the Son of God, ever. I do recognize, while he was alive on this earth, he was a very precious, miracle performing soul who did everything good. No matter what, he did and meant everything good for all people.
     However, at this point in time, with the Atheistic, "Alternative Normal" World in which the Devil himself has reared his ugly head in the World and particularly here in America, I believe more than ever, we as believers in one Divine God, regardless of independent Religious beliefs, need desperately to come together.
     There's absolutely nothing exceptional about what I foresee or think, I have just learned through experience and making a study of people both good and bad, what their behavior can predict. It's only by using plain old common sense.
     What I'm trying to imply, is there never before in the history of this great Country, been assailed such as we have by an enemy within our borders. (I'm not referring to the Illegal Immigrants from wherever they may be because all they are here for is not to exploit us, but to join us in our productive way of improving our common personal lives.)
     I'm talking about Countries outside of our borders in conjunction with the American bred Atheists, Agnostics and "Alternative Normals" whom we allowed to run wild with a freedom they didn't work or fight for to appreciate.
     They have very deviously managed to insert themselves into positions of Power and Authority
that allows them to bypass the Constitution right up to and including the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
     They, through the direction of the Un-American President of the United States such as we've never seen before, are about to take us into an un-Godly existence that will lead to Anarchy and an unavoidable Bloody Revolution.
     All the indications are them successfully disarming our country both physically and monetarily.
     The signs are all there, and if our various differences in our beliefs of  "whose faiths are first with God" aren't set aside to enable us to fight as one strong united group, we will surely lose.
     I don't know whether you noticed or not, but with the exception of a few, the rest of the Industrial Countries and their International Billionaires are poised to throw compassion and false loyalties aside to take us down with Putin and Obama shining their power up front.
     This isn't a dream I just had, it's a fact.
     What truly amazes me to know, is there are churchgoing people who are so mesmerized by the speeches Barack is famous or infamous for, they still refuse to recognize they cannot mix their Godly thoughts with the Un-Godly intentions of this devious group in the White House today.
     I'm 77 years old, so I'm not afraid for me personally. I worry about the future generations of  what used to be a free and beautiful Country I've grown to love so much.
     Please open your hearts and minds, God lovers. Quit worrying about whose religion is better than whose. You'll only defeat your own selfish selves and nobody's going to win.   Just sayin'.


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