Sunday, March 16, 2014


     Have a good look at the President who "bullied" the American people with abuse to the Congress of the United States by closing the doors to the elected opposition in 2008 after winning the election in Nov. of 2008. Not only did they abuse and mentally kick the opposition around with disrespect, but they also have done the same to our Sacred Constitution, our flag, our Military and anyone else who objected to the way they used their "Storm trooper" tactics as they swarmed over the Capitol of Washington D.C.
     Barack Obama apologized to the rest of the World publicly and the United Nations on his first trip overseas for America's defeat of the Nazis and the Communists in all the previous World wars and Conflicts. He did it in a manner that shamed the Veterans and the Patriotic people for having fought for the freedom of Democracy on behalf of other Countries under the threat of Communism.
     He did this under the guise of being a convert from Islam to Christianity and we now know it was a flat out falsehood and misrepresentation.
     We have since discovered he was schooled at the infamous Saul Alinsky founded "Midwest Academy" in the Heart of Chicago, Illinois. An Atheist based College where many of his Administration were also schooled in Atheism, including Hillary Rodham (Clinton) prior to her marriage to "Horny Bill".
     To think this phony character with the previously adopted name of "Barry Soetoro" would be voted into the Presidency of the United States is preposterous. But he was!.
     Immediately after being elected, he and the Progressives from the Senate and House of Representatives sat down  to devise a scheme of anti-Constitutionalism never before imagined it could ever happen to a Country "Of the People, By the People and For the People".
     And after establishing a totally Secretive Pact among his supporters to promote a "New Direction" that unbeknownst to the rest of us, was a path of Anti-Constitution, anti Christian and Marxist based right to the core. Along with a totally messed up Obamacare health program that has plagued us to this very day.
     And now in continued defiance of our "American way" he has vowed to over-ride the Constitutional process by declaring; "I still have a phone, and I still have a pen!" 
     Well, Barack, Lets see you show that to Vladimir Putin and his Anti-U.N. policies right now.
     Put up or shut up!! Just sayin'.

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