Monday, March 3, 2014


     We should know better by now! Obama has been loving up to Putin for 5 years now.
     You can't deny you didn't know it, because even through the Main, extreme "Left Media", they've been loving up to the guy as well. Right up 'til now, when they thought there was no reversing the issue. Obama has spent a third of his time not only with Putin, but the whole Anti-American European Union and the U.N.
     So don't let any of the supporters of Obama tell you any different. As usual, they'll be lying to cover their perverted asses, now that things are going awry for Russia and it's planned partnership with Obama in turning this Country over to the rest of the world. "The New World Order".
      They refer to any exposure of their plans as "Right wing" Propaganda, when it's them who have been keeping us in the dark all along.
      The revolt in the Ukraine is not exactly what you might think. All of Russia's oil and gas supply to the rest of Europe and Asia goes through the Ukraine. When you see a map of the pipelines that run through it, you are looking at virtually a cobweb of pipelines all from Russia and then through the Crimea to a lot of satellite countries that used to be part of the now defunct Soviet Block.
    Putin and Obama don't give a darn about the welfare or control of the Ukrainian people or their newfound fight for Democracy. You see, of the oil and gas that supplies those other countries including the European Union from Russia, it amounts to 80% of their demand. They wouldn't "think" of allowing the Ukraine to tale control of the pipelines. They will kill every Ukrainian they can, to stop them.
     Threats from Barack Obama are only token gestures.
     All of this, Barack Obama has known all along. The Ukrainian people have known it all along too.
But Russia, instead of paying royalties for the use of Crimean land, would prefer not to.
     Barack Obama has been in cahoots with Russia from the very start, and if he can get away with it, He will keep on tying up the U.S. oil and natural gas reserves, and intends it for use by the International Billionaire Corporations in the future, once he takes this Country down to bare bones.
     After all, the International Billionaires, including Microsoft and Warren Buffet, were the biggest contributors to his two successful campaigns. You can only imagine how much of that, along with the taxpayer's money has been deposited in other parts of the World.
     His plans for the future are not to save this Country, but to ravage it for use overseas through "The New World Order". Other natural minerals and macerals such as coal, included.
     Scoff at that if you like, but if we don't do something fairly soon, it will be quicker than you think.
     Just sayin'.


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