Monday, April 21, 2014


     I ask that question, because I so often hear Politicians and so-called "experts" present a proposed law in a fashion that is so "Silloueted" in gargle that common people have to read it 4 times in order to find out what it means. Even then they still have to ask another intellectual to explain it, which they then do in their own intellectual way!
     I often hear people "in the know", speak to a crowd of common speaking people,(which most of us are!) but think they have to speak so intelligently that no one (with the exception of a few) can totally grasp the gist of the speech.
     It's fine to appear to be so brilliant for the sake of impressing the crowd, but, as I learned in report writing, the proper way to get your point across fully, is to make the presentation to whomever it's important to see or hear it, as short and plain as possible the first time around. Business Execs prefer it that way because, as much as they want to know it, they're usually too busy in their schedule to have to read it again to be sure they understand the presentation.
     After all, the main portion of the crowd generally consists of "Common" folks. Particularly when it's so important as something they will soon be required to make a decision on.
     The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights within the U.S. Constitution are easy to read for anybody. Don't forget, the Constitution was written for us. Written for the main purpose of seeing to it that another Country or Countries shall never take it away from us, the Common people.
      Our founding Fathers were aware of the possibility of Tyrannical Governing more than anyone else, because they had, through the War of Independence, chased the Tyrants out of the Country and took us away from the over-reaching tentacles of England.
      As brilliant as they were themselves, they still realized the Constitution had to be written in such a fashion that one and all would recognize how important it was, and is!
      But how would they know, that because of the truth and success of the Sacred Documents, the rest of the World who never followed through with their own similar style of Documents would dislike us for it. Instead we amassed envy and dislike simply because we had forged so far ahead, and although our brave warriors fought and died with the hopes their own countries could follow suit, they followed the Line of least Resistance instead, hoping not to have to work for their own freedom but to take us down to their styles of Government and then reap our developed Natural Resources for their use instead of ours.
      Barack Obama, The European Union and The International Billionaires have been attempting just that at this very moment. They would establish a New World Order to Command it all, with the likes of Tyrants such as Barack Obama and his Regime in the lead for managing all of the Modern World to the backers' liking as a reward.
      The whole works have no loyalties for any specific Country or it's Documents such as ours. In fact the Documents are the only roadblock right now to their complete victory.
      They need to abolish it to succeed.
      Vladimir Putin knew this from his prior collusion with Barack Obama, but has decided not to take part and is going about gathering his flock in preparation for it happening.
      Obama knows that, and is using his useless idle threats knowing very well it's going to happen that way.
      So do yourself a huge favor, and read the book "TRILATERALS OVER WASHINGTON" and you will realize those plans have been around since the book was published in 1973. You will think it was written yesterday. Just sayin'.

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