Thursday, June 12, 2014


     The idea now is to give them a pathway they must agree to follow. One that's acceptable to everybody.
      In Hillary Clinton's interview today, she is putting the emphasis on the Right wing Republicans wanting to deport them. Well, let her and her backers put the emphasis on something that's misleading, such as Obama did, and let us prove her the liar just as Obama was too.
    Let them go on with this deportation thing, but while they're doing so, they need to show the justification in allowing it to happen so flagrantly as they have with no attempt to instill Patriotism or Loyalty to our Country's flag, and require them to learn and respect the Constitution that has made this Country great over 2 and a half Centuries.
     That's where they have fallen down on the job entirely! Instead of using the right reasons for letting them come, it was for the Left's own selfish interest that they let it happen the way they did.The main reason is to shore up there voting base to a level that when they declare Amnesty, they would guarantee themselves most of their votes.
     In so doing, they are making themselves look as though they have deep compassion for the Immigrants, when in fact, they don't give a sweet darn about them.
     The Immigrants are smarter than that. They'll take what they can get, YES. So would anyone else in their fix. But they came here with a dream. a dream of being our equal and enjoying the life the rest of  Legal Americans do.
     Were missing the point here. They are here, they only want to be like us and that's their dream.
     The smartest thing the Right can do right now, is to give them a feeling of welcome and because of that, offer them some reasonable proper channels to go through to fulfill their dream that all our ancestors had.
     There's no doubt in my mind they want to be proud of becoming a legal Citizen.
     Once they know it's achievable without having to live in fear or secrecy, I guarantee you they will vow to live up to the rules just like every other American does. They don't like feeling unwanted, believe you me!
     Now that it's glaringly clear about the true intentions of the "Progressive" Left, they will follow the truth if we present them the opportunity to learn it.
     My objection all along, has been them being processed with the feeling they have to live in hiding sometimes in fear of being discovered.
     Recently I was invited to a Catholic Hispanic Ceremony to witness the first Communion of  children receiving it.
     I have to say, although it was all in Spanish, it brought memories to me of how serious and important living the life of their belief in God, and how proud the parents were, complete with the mariachi band.
     I was proud to be standing there among them and felt very privileged to be invited.
     After speaking with them the amount that I do, I'm sure they would be more than honored to swear allegiance to this Country.
     Right now, they're being exploited in a manner by the Left with the feeling that they owe them and there are no other avenues for them to take.
     We need to convince them it's not true. The fact is, The Obama Regime couldn't care less about loyalties to anyone, in particular the Christian Religion here or anywhere else.
     Expose them to the Immigrants for the Atheists they are.   Just sayin'.


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