Sunday, November 2, 2014


     It's absolutely unbearable to accept the assault on Christianity. Not only unbearable, but obscene and straight from Hell.
     He can deny his affiliation with ISIS if he wants, but the truth about his devious, Devilish support of Mohammed's Hellish Islamic Terrorists is right there in plain view for all the World to see.
     For too long, the Sheeple of this Country have been making up excuses for this worst President the United States of America has ever allowed to walk freely on our blessed, Sacred American soil.
     Not only has he torn apart our unity in believing and trusting in a Christian God, but he continues to have the support of the untouchable, International Billionaires, Atheists, 'out of control' Homosexuals and Communistic Countries of the Globe.
     Don't you feel sickened by the outright boldness with which they're displaying their hatred and blatant 'Killer' behavior, while their private Army of Islamic Terrorists advance on every front on the un-Islamists and Christians who are defenseless and without weapons to defend themselves. They mercilessly behead them!
     And don't deny it anymore; The "Progressive"/Democratic Party is in full support of them too. (Some say they aren't, but they've already showed you how those bastards can lie!)
     How can the Party on the Left deny it anymore, when it's right there for our very eyes to see, every day?
     As I pointed out in previous blogs, Barack Obama didn't study the Bill of Rights and our U.S. Constitution in order to believe and follow it, but to find a way to tear it apart and destroy it once and for all, on behalf of the supporters I've previously named.
     He's doing it now in leaps and bounds, and in the very real fear of losing his support in the U.S. Senate, the confused Democrats are abandoning his efforts to throw all of America under the bus, and instead, they have turned to throwing him under the bus to save their own asses.
    So although his private army, ISIS is still advancing on all fronts, he's facing disaster here. Even so, he is continuing to promote Islam here in a forceful way by pushing Christianity and our practices into non-existence.
     But watch and see our military Commanders turn on his efforts to eliminate our God from being the strength behind our gallant Warriors who die to keep our Country holy and free.
     I predict; he's finally bitten off more than he can chew.
     Please! If you have lost your will to vote for this man's policies and don't intend to vote at all, go a step further and vote the Progressives out of office on Tuesday. Just sayin'.

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