Sunday, November 30, 2014


     A vision of the disappointing future that the Progressive/Communists really had in store for this Country. Of course I've been predicting their intentions all along now, but the reality of it hit me a little harder than usual.
     I'm sure a lot of my readers wonder why I'm so passionate about my feelings toward the future the present Obama Administration had in store for us, and those who don't delve into the intricacies of our Politics have really never had the time to try to understand it. But the reason I did and do, is something more dear to my heart and mind than the most of you normally think about.
     I'm sure it's because the last 250 years have been a way of life the bulk of Americans have taken for granted.
     In the past, and generation after generation, our Bill of Rights and Constitution were assumed to be indestructible, abided by and no one ever dreamed that anyone with a foreign Islamic name would pop up from the shadows out of the darkness of corrupt Countries such as Indonesia and Kenya, South Africa with a bizarre plan of taking this Country down, once and for all for the sake of distributing our wealth and Natural Resources to the rest of the World.
     In fact, when I saw what was coming from the likes of him and his group of worldly thugs, including the present Democratic Politicians in control of our Gov't, it scared me to death.
     How did I see it??....... Well I haven't lived here all of my life, and having lived in Canada, a Country of beautiful folks mind you, people who have participated in the protection of Freedom for other countries desiring that same freedom, along with the United States and other Allies, I came here for several reasons, but mainly because of our system of Gov't. that is unique and successful within itself.
     But all I had to know was, our strength and advancements were principally due to the War of Independence that resulted in a Constitution that served the common man in every regard of it's being. True freedom and protection from tyranny for this Country of Immigrants.
     Australia also has one similar to ours and they too, have thrived through the Freedom they have established there.
     They're one of America's closest Allies through thick and thin. God bless their hearts for that.
     But me having been born, raised and educated outside of the U.S., but born of American parent, and having other, older siblings living here, moved here at the age of 39 on May 24th, 1976. I'll never regret the adventure of doing so.
     There was no dominance or presence of a greater Country here with an umbrella over-head such as Canada still does.
     So when I heard and saw Barack Hussein Obama making his debut into politics here, I became wary of his suspected intentions because of the way he behaved. Call it a sixth sense if you will.
     Anyway, a close friend who had studied a book written in 1973 about the forming of a "Trilateral Commission" being formed in Europe, said as he handed it to me, " They've been tutoring this guy for years!" in reference to Barack Obama.
     I began researching all I could find out about this man and the statement became more clear. I attribute my knowledge and facts largely due to the previous research of Andrew Breitbart and other information on the Internet.
     I was right about my feelings, and having sacrificed a pretty good job to start a new life here under the protection of our Constitution, I became involved in writing my blogs.
     I'm sure most of you are familiar with how disastrous Communism has failed under the grip of Dictators around the rest of the World. Well if we allow Barack Obama to get his way, you're going to see it happen here sooner than you think.
     All I can say is, thank your lucky stars the Republicans have been voted back into control of Congress.  
     Barack Obama's kindness toward Immigrants may appear to be an act of heartfelt passion, but it's not the same passion you think it is. It's his passion for power that he really garnishes, otherwise he could care less about the poverty of minorities anywhere in the world. It's for votes that will possibly win another "Progressive" election where they can further their push for eventual Communism and a single Worldly power he dreams of leading; The "Trilateral Commission" and a "New World Order".
      Otherwise, if he had any heart at all, he would have stayed in Indonesia as the Muslim that he is, and championed freedom for the poor people there!   You tell me; Is he an Atheist or a Muslim?? After all, he wears both Garb. Just sayin'.


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