Tuesday, December 23, 2014


     After Bill de Blasio did his Leftist best to blame the assassination of 2 of NYPD'S Finest on theWhole behavior of the NYPD, he took the usual cowardly line of least resistance and is now trying to save his ass from his own police force.
     With the quest for Total Communist control over North America now slipping out of their slimy grasps, Barack Obama, Communist Bill Ayers of the once infamous murderous Weather Underground, Communist professor Ward Churchill, Avowed Communist Van Jones, white hater Jesse Jackson, Drug pusher Al Sharpton and Atheist NY Mayor Bill de Blasio will no doubt try to slither back behind the skirts of the Leftist "Progressive" Establishment.
     Already, de Blasio's true colors have shown his dislike for the American Traditional way and contempt for anything that resembles a normal, hard working, non-racial mix that Americans have been striving and working towards for 150 years.
     As the decades of the past have slowly progressed toward Equality in recognition for all races, the rocky road to accomplishing that difficult task was nearly complete, despite the discouraging efforts of the self-serving narcissistic leaders who have continually exploited the minority communities throughout those hard years. They didn't do it for the good of the minority communities, but obviously to use them to suit their own purposes of enriching themselves, which is exactly what they did.
     Then a stranger to the American way appeared on the scene with a gift of gab never before seen in modern history. Suddenly, every kinky, perverted Narcissist in America fell in lockstep behind him.
     The rest is shameful history as they established laws to suit their own liking. Homosexuality for instance became legal. Then marriage between the stinky buggars became legal as well.
     Instead of furthering the cause of equality, they have simply shredded every  bit of progress that had been previously made. they did it by cheering on every useless misled dissenter in the country and spurring them towards creating a greater divide than ever before existed. They're instigating and paying the ignorant protestors in our major Cities as I write.
    Their purpose? To destroy the stability, togetherness and future hopes of having a continuation of a Republic that has been at the forefront of modern Civilization for over 200 years. Their group consists of a conglomeration of People from who are, and in the past were, adverse to anything good such as believing in God and his all powerful guide he gave to us through Moses; The Ten Commandments.
     But for now, they have once again failed! They recognize that failure and are trying to salvage whatever worth there is left of this Country for themselves before they flee.
     In my 78 years on earth, I have never seen anything quite as bizarre as the Communistic perverted behavior that's been displayed in the last six years.
     Having been in the United States for 39 years and having enjoyed the freedom and common sense afforded me by the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution from both sides of the political aisle, it's amazing to see what's happening here before our very eyes.
     I hope soon the Nation will come back around to the good old American way before I pass on. I also pray that the American Justice system will come to it's senses and not allow any of the hideous wrongdoers that have offended us, the Stars and Stripes and the memory of our gallant Forefathers, to get away with what they've done. That includes the man at the top, Barack Hussein Obama.
     Not only is he responsible for the deaths of innocent and gallant Americans, but his underworld way he has helped to supply the Muslim Terrorists do what they're doing by beheading Christians the World over as they advance their murderous cause, but I believe he is a part of them.
     It's a damn disgrace for the Media and Hollywood to assist him as well. Just sayin'.

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