Sunday, December 7, 2014


     All this time, I have been telling my readers that Obama's Chief advisor was coaching him in secret conversations with the Ayatola in Iran. And all this time, we have been wondering how Iran was surging ahead in developing a copy-cat drone of the U.S. military's latest Drone and other armament along with secret information on our nuclear bomb capabilities.
     Well now we know!
     In a fairly recent book written by Edward Klein, "The Amateur", the author described how an Iranian born African/American woman named Valerie Bowman Jarrett was suspected of secretly 'making the calls' on behalf of Barack Obama.(Don't be surprised if her name shows up on the calls in the "BENGHAZI" incident)
     But now here it is; A White House leak has revealed that our pseudo President has been carrying on secret calls to the Iranian Religious Leader all along!
     When is Treason going to come into play, here?? With Iran being our greatest threat to this Country for 30 years or so, how on earth is it that our 'Commander in Chief' can totally ignore his loyalties and betray his oath of office?
     Isn't it glaringly apparent now, that he has been supplying arms to ISIS and Al Qaida intentionally rather than by blunder and mistakes?
     Not only is he betraying the Country, but he's deceiving the African/American population of this Nation.
     It's pitiful to think what he has done; Being the first black President, he lifted the badly needed spirits of the minorities who so much depended on him to be successful in leading our nation back from near poverty to a working, productive Leading nation in the World once again.
     Instead, he has deviously misled them into believing he had a better, different Direction.
     How dastardly can this man be? To think that an employee of the Gov't would betray his sworn post is one thing, but together with Eric Holder as the Secretary of defense and all his mischievous antics of his own too, who would think the most important man in the World as our President, our most important employee, would sell us out too?
     Time after time, excuses have been made up for this man as he blunders on and on, and you can imagine the disappointment in the minorities seeing their hopes dashed over and over and still refusing to accept the clear knowledge they've been cheated and deceived.
     It's difficult to perceive there are 2 more years of this man running amuck and most likely under the direction and advice of the Religious leader of Iran. Just sayin'.

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