Sunday, January 11, 2015


     Have you not yet realized the twisted mentality of Barack Obama's thinking yet? Do you realize why he's against the XL Pipeline? Well,..... let me give you my point of view, if I may?
     If you've noticed lately, he has been talking in a worldly sense about everything he does! Why? Because he has already elevated himself, with the help of the European Union, the United Nations and the International Mineral and Oil companies of the World, to be the President of the "New World Order" (Don't let the International Technology Companies off the hook either.) In his mind, he considers himself 'Untouchable'. and behaves that way.
     Now, in case you don't already know this, there is actually a serious "Trilateral commission" established by those same people in Europe that, due to their own greedy desires for power over this 'getting smaller Globe' would like to obtain, grab or commandeer all of the natural resources of the World under one Supreme command. "The New World Order"
     But there are countries in the modern portion of the Earth that are Independent and still believe in being "Governments of the People, by the People and For the People" and who like to think we are all a part of the ownership of our own destinies, freedom and last but not least, Natural resources such as Coal, Natural gas and Oil. They are the fuels we depend on for the successful operation of our Independent being. Our major source of income.
     Well guess what?.......Those same gluttons for power and control by means of wealth, are in the midst of their final push to see to it that the ownership and control of those valuable, beautiful items we have so far independently enjoyed, will no longer be in our possession but in theirs!! So how have they gone about doing this?
     First of all, there is the age old method of handling people that has worked successfully over the Ages, referred to as "Divide and Conquer'. So how would they do that?
     Let's go back to the founding of this beautiful country which was built on the sweat, blood and tears of all the Immigrants who first came here and are still doing so in order to give themselves a better taste of freedom and enrichment. Away from the European, Asian, India and Muslim dominated way of life.
     But mostly because of what our Founding Fathers labored to give us; The Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. Never had any Country in the World ever progressed as fast as this one because of it. Our basic freedoms wholly depend on it and has done so for two and a half Centuries.
     As Immigrants all, with our Christian, Protestant and Judeo beliefs to guide us side by side with the strength it has given us, it has kept us glued together peacefully in unison for all that time.
     You don't have to be a genius to see what they're attempting to do to us with the help of Barack Hussein Obama. Piece by piece they're dismantling our 'American Way' under our very noses. The war against the Ten Commandments and the religions that follow them.
     Sadly enough, modern technology and cheaper labor somewhere else in the world other than here, has taken over our productive capabilities, and leaving only the lower paying Service types jobs for us people here. Hence the creation of the once productive "Tea Party".
     The Devil's in the details and Barack Hussein Obama and the members of the "Progressive" Party are under his direction. Wake up, Sheeple! Just sayin'.

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