Sunday, February 15, 2015


     In that effort, deliberate or not, (Sometimes I wonder whose side they're really on!) I hear Howard Kurtz along with Chris Wallace, siding with the argument that the Republicans in Congress still aren't getting anything done.
     They know better about the situation the Congress is still in, concerning the 'power of Presidential veto' but the two Pundits are acting dumb about it, and I reckon it's because their hunger for acquiring more viewers is deliberately leaving out a fact.
     Eg: In order to put the Republican guests on the spot, Wallace's query to John Boehner went something like this; "When the Progressives controlled the Senate, You claimed that because of it, you couldn't get any of the approved House bills brought to the floor by the Senate, because Harry Reid, the Leader of the Senate wouldn't put them on the table. Now that you have control of both the House and the Senate, You don't have any excuse not to, so why aren't you?" (His question was done so with an implication that he could have.)
     Even though they weren't there physically, In my mind I could hear the Progressives around the U.S cheering.
     So in John Boehner's defense I would like to remind you, and he did explain, that all the while they, the Republicans were in the minority in the past, "The Progressives" in the ruling House and Senate wouldn't even agree to study the proposals by the minority before shelving them. 
     The Progressives and the President completely ignored anything the Republicans objected to and/or even locked them out of what should have been open meetings to ALL the Elected Representatives, including the Republicans so they wouldn't have the chance to filibuster the biased decisions they made on their un-Constitutional own. They ran this Country with total disregard for the Legislative process.
     Having said that, the American electorate, because of having knowledge of the ignorance of existence of the Constitution by the "Progressives" majority, (Made plain to them by the only Conservative T.V. and radio Station, FOX NEWS CORP.) elected the Republicans to the House of Representatives in 2012. This put them in control of the U.S. run-away purse strings and they began to curtail the reckless spending that wasn't even being accounted for, and still hasn't been. 
     The tide began to change, but not enough for the Republican controlled House to make much of a difference. They still had to gain control of the "Progressive" Senate being led by the Las Vegas  scoundrel, Senator Harry Reid!
     So by other devious means, the spending by the President continued to go on, because the printing of money by the Treasury was under his command.and Obama kept on writing illegal Executive orders to get his way and the dollar got weaker due to no increased production of goods to justify it.
     November 2014 came and there was a chance for the Republicans to gain control of the Senate as well, which they did!
     But in order to change or reverse the bizarre rulings and outrageous spending of the  last six years, they need a 67 member majority of the Senate to reverse the illegal Executive orders previously written, and to over-ride any Presidential veto. They only have 64. (With none of the remaining Progressives being willing to cross over and support the Constitutional cause.)
     So here we are, still knowing the President can, and has promised to do, veto any reverse Legislation to correct the huge mess..
     So it's going to take another 2 years to get that President out of office and to get 3 more gains in the Senate in order to over-ride whatever President gets in, in the future.
     There's no way that those 2 FOX NEWS pundits don't know that process and how handcuffed the Republicans still remain.
     But like many other over-zealous Newsmen are, they are still willing to sacrifice the future Freedom of You and I just to gain some more popularity by listeners and viewers they could gain on their show.
     Needless to say, I've lost a little respect for them still pushing the issue and falsely implying that the Republicans could, but still aren't getting anything done at this point. They DO know better!
     My hopes are, that someone there with Authority will set them straight or replace them with someone less greedy for viewers.
     The future of our freedom and that of our great country is seriously at stake here! Just sayin'.

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