Sunday, August 2, 2015


     Let's start this Topic with a quick glance at what's happened to our Country in the last 7 years, when we at least "assumed" 95% of the Nation including our Politicians, believed in the rules so clearly set forth in the Constitution. So much so, that being blind-sided the way they hit us with their 'out of the box' behavior, a lot of die-hard Democrats from the old school didn't believe what they were seeing, although it was right before their very eyes. No sir! The first Black President wouldn't do such a thing!! But; "HE DID!!'
     Little did most voters understand the true intentions of the purpose to elect the first Black man to the Presidency of the United States of America; They thought, according to reports by the Main Media and his Mysterious anonymous backers, that he was definitely going to set things right for the American people and take us on a journey to improve and correct everything that was wrong in the past.
    He said little about what was particularly wrong, but didn't have to. He had already wooed the voters with his rhetoric, as he skillfully read the teleprompters such as no other politician did in the past. Generalities were the main mode of his speeches as he spun his web of deceit and left out all particulars. (They would come after he gained office, but not now.)
     And don't fool yourself, with the Main Left Media fully aware of his plans from the start, his speeches are not that of his making! No! Not at all!! His writers are fully in tune with the International Regime who is backing him in his attempt to earnestly take the U.S. Constitution down from a once great document, to a mere "has-been" status. That group, including the International Union Thugs who have hijacked the memberships, are truly behind the shenanigans to also hijack the Country. And guess what? If we common people allow it without resistance, They WILL SUCCEED!!
     So far, with the exception of a few comments as an additive here and there, no one has really brought up the most important dangerous subject of all; The saving and re-construction of the torn-down, stomped on "Stars and Stripes", "The Declaration of Independence", "The Bill of Rights" and the rest of "The U.S. Constitution".  The very backbone of our Country!
     Why not?? Really!! Why not??? The very back-bone strength that has protected the common man since the War  of Independence!
     Why aren't any of them persistent in the learning of the U.S. Documents that were so cleverly drafted by our "Founding Fathers in the 1770's??
     Why aren't we going after the Education system who has taken it on their own, to quit teaching the U.S. Constitution in favor of the "Real" devious "New Direction" the infamous liar Barack Obama has led us on?
      They're the only documents in this Country that truly represent the common man, and they're keeping it in the background only to be brought to the forefront as an added feature?
      Why don't all of you who read this, ask the question to your local Representative who, after all, is paid to carry your message to the U.S. Government?  Huh??  Know what I mean, Vern???
     So when the Republican Candidate hopefuls for President hold their debate next week, I hope they have the courage to bring up the question about the one thing that used to protect us all; "The U.S. Constitution."  They all seem fearful to do it.  I wonder why???
      I can surely guarantee you, that when all the productive and non-productive people read those Documents, they will understand that the direction the Communist "Left" is taking them, is not in their best interests.  It's really as simple as that!
Just sayin'.

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