Monday, September 14, 2015


     Such as they are today! Loaded so that no matter how you throw them, the Gov't we have at present has them in a way that you, the common man or woman are never going to win if the very Constitution that protects you is never coming back. That is, if the common voter isn't allowed to learn all the truth about the true direction the current Gov't and Justice system is taking us.
     What's worse is the direction our teaching profession is leading our children once they leave our hands as parents, and climb aboard the bus to school. Forget it, Buddy!
     They're in the hands of someone you have never seen before and know absolutely nothing about, personally or otherwise for more hours of waking time of day than you are! And for 12 to 20 years.
     You can argue it if you want, for whatever reason you want, but one thing is glaringly clear; Unless it's a Private School, there's two things they're not ever going to hear about; Our Christian God, or our Constitution including the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of rights that principally guarantees the rights to the Common individual, and the reasons the War of Independence was fought and won for in the first place.
      And the one question from here and forever will be; How in heck on top of it all, did an Atheist/Radical Islamist ever get voted into being the POTUS in the first place???
      How did he and his Christian-God-less bunch get this far without so many people knowing the truth of their intentions?
      I guess we can simply sum it up to the Naivety of trust. We've been hornswoggled!!!
      I don't know of any time in history where a Country that was so united in togetherness for 250 years could be taken and ripped to shreds by an Atheist/Islamist loving group in just seven short years. Certainly not in recent times, anyway!
       But with all this anti-Christian rhetoric that keeps Christian Religion from even being mentioned in our Public Schools, Islam is now the word of the day being taught on a regular basis.
      That, with those same Mohammed loving, Radical Islamists cutting the heads off of innocent Christians all over the World, Including the United States of America. Are you sure you want to roll the loaded dice on that one??   Just sayin'


  1. You state: "I don't know of any time in history where a Country that was so united in togetherness for 250 years could be taken and ripped to shreds by an Atheist/Islamist loving group in just seven short years. Certainly not in recent times, anyway!"

    The United States of America has been a nation divided along racial, ethnic, fiscal, social and religious lines since day one. Civil war, reconstruction, Jim Crow, segregation, women's suffrage and the ERA are but a few of the issues that continue to divide Americans against one another.

    As none of these issues impact the lives of white people, it doesn't surprise me at all that you would be oblivious to these struggles.

    You don't remember what was happening to the US and global economy seven years ago. There was a massive recession, often referred to as te worst economic disaster since The Great Depression, caused by the economic policies of mostly GOP "conservative" administrations since 1970. Just sayin'


    1. You know nothing about me, or what I knew seven years ago. I know this Country was the Birthplace of my Mother, and my father was a machine-gunner in the Canadian Army during World War 1, and being used by England to defend their own Country's ambitions. The Canadians and Australians Were used as pawns and the first soldiers to be sent into the enemy lines as bait rather than use their own English forces first. They tried it again through Montgomery in World War 2, but Eisenhauer put a stop to that ploy. This Country, Australia and Canada, though whatever beliefs they have that you un-American bull-shitters, Atheists and Homosexuals may dream up, went to war on other lands to protect Britain and our other European Allies at the cost of many lives while doing so. Your assessment of American behavior in the past recent years prior to the last seven. I had brothers and family in every world war or conflict to protect the rights of others including you.. I don't care to discuss politics with the likes of someone who thinks this Country and it's Constitution hasn't been fair. You're White! You're not working! You' seem to be alright on someone else's dime while you bite the hand that feeds you. This Country has, and will get along without the likes of you if you wish to leave it for one with a sytem you think is better. If you don't like what I write, don't read it!

    2. Fuck you, you bigoted asshole. YOU are a shitheaded hypocrite and an idiot. You know NOTHING about who and what built America, your constant drivel proves that point.

      I've got news for you, you fucking bigot, homosexuals and atheists and "alternative abnormal" types have fought in every conflict and war nation has ever been involved in, too. Even today, men and women who are gay, and more AMERICAN than you'll ever be, are defending your right to hate them. Since YOU never put on any nations uniform, you should shut the fuck up, except to say thank-you to those who do and have.

      You know NOTHING about me or my situation, so go fuck yourself.

  2. By the way, you FUCKING ASSHOLE, you are the one who is constantly writing about how terrible America is becoming under "those communists". If you don't like America any more, you can take yourself back to Canada where you came from. You aren't even a real American you FUCKING HYPOCRITE.

    Even in your ignorant, twisted, fucking bullshit fantasy that the President was born in Kenya - which is is lie that you keep spreading , making you a FUCKING LIAR, as well as a bigot, homophobe and idiot (just keepin' it 100) - you are too fucking stupid to understand that by your own standard, if President Obama WERE to have been born in Kenya to an American mother and a foreign national (non-American) father (which is absolutely NOT the reality, but merely to make a point let us pretend for a moment) it would make him JUST AS AMERICAN AS YOU!! You were born in a foreign country, to a foreign national father and an American mother (or so you claim, but you could be lying about that. Hmmm, maybe you should be investigated?). If President Obama can't be a legitimate American in your fucked-up view , then NEITHER ARE YOU. Of course, you are too blinded by bigotry, ignorance and stupidity to understand such "advanced" logic.

    If you are going to malign my friends, family and the brave men & women who serve this country because you are scared shitless by homosexuality then you can expect to get called out on it. If you want to be an ignorant fool, you have that right. I however have the right to point out your ignorance, and I am going to freely excercise that right. If you don't like it...TOO FUCKING BAD.
