Tuesday, October 6, 2015


     When the spokespersons on behalf of the Progressive/Communist Gov't we have here presently, tell you that there are way more Illegal Alien deportations now than in the past under George W. Bush, they are deliberately and knowingly making the unaware public, victims of wrong information.
     Eg.; When the same person trying to illegally enter the U.S. is caught 8 or 10 times but is refused entry, it is counted as a deportation each time.
     It happens countless times, day after day and they keep on re-entering until they make it to what I refer to as the remake of the "Underground Railroad" where they are given 'safe haven' in one of the many "Host" Cities to be processed into a chain of events arranged by the authorities in both Federal and State Gov'ts, that fades them into anonymity in that particular State.
     By such a process, they can claim they've returned 8 or 10 Illegal Aliens when they really have returned zero!
     They are, through a deceptive system they so often deploy, attempting to tell us through the various pundits who know very well it isn't the truth, attempting to convince the unaware Sheeple that they are trying their utmost to prevent illegal entry.
     Are you honest, although naïve, innocent, God loving folks still going to keep convincing yourselves you voted for the correct Party??
     One more thing; When are you going to get tired of hearing the spokespersons on the "Left" refer to themselves as "Democrats" when that expression has no resemblance to the word "Progressive" in the least?
     Although it sounds great and advancing, it really comes from circa 1921 when "The Communist Party of the United States of America" fell out of popularity and the same people re-named the Party "Progressives" It didn't help and they went into hibernation for 90 years until recently. I guess in confidence, they would give the use of the term another chance and revive it again, hoping that history would have a short memory.
     Even the Insurance Co. "Progressive" is owned and operated by the infamous International Billionaire and Atheist George Soros, who has practically bought and paid for the "Progressive" Party itself.
     For your information, the Democratic Party as it was called 3 or 4 decades ago and for which the sons and daughters of Democrats Mom and Dad, voted Democrat because Mom and Dad did, no longer exists. Know what I mean, Vern???  Just sayin'.

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