Saturday, October 17, 2015


     Well......, Will it?
     One of my most sincere hopes I have is, I will live long enough to see that it does! When it does, I pray I'm satisfied then, that Justice will have been properly served by us as human beings who persevered the pain of having to put up with the tyranny the Perpetrators bestowed upon us as true "victims", rather than the "Offenders" they claimed us to be.
     In my own way of thinking, it was left up to us, to realistically enforce the rules of common decency that God sent us through his heavenly spirit he imposed on Moses. Namely, the "Ten Commandments"!
     Knowing the weaknesses and imperfections of his own human creations, (US), he set those rules in the hopes we would use them in a way, that would perpetuate and guarantee the survival of the human race.
     Once those Perpetrators, whoever they may be, are punished in an earthly sense, then he can use his own judgement as to how they should be forgiven once they reach his Heavenly Kingdom of Spirituality. As far as how my personal feelings are about them, they can simply "Go to Hell!"
     Having said all that, the question remains; In this Political Environment with the Perpetrators still in control of the "polluted" Supreme Court, the "polluted" present Administration and the totally ignored and "Polluted" mis-interpretation of our Constitution by "all of the above", will the Un-godly, "above God", lying turds be allowed to fade into the distance with our Freedom and money in tow, and still have the sardonic smiles on their faces like they still know better than us?
     I pray that won't be allowed to happen. Just sayin'.

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