Wednesday, February 3, 2016


     Today, Barack Obama truly showed his Extremist Islamic side when he decided to visit the most infamous Extremist Muslim Mosque in the United States of America.
      This Mosque is noted for the Imam Spewing his venomous rhetoric on how horrible the People of the United States are and his disrespect for the American Way, the Christians and the Laws that have provided safety and comfort to the Greatest Country on Earth, The United States of America.
      In defiance of his sworn oath without a bible when he became President, he sees his failure at being able to change this Country in a "Different Direction" and is now committing the ultimate sin of wanting to turn the peaceful Muslims 0f this Country into American haters once and for all.
      In a Mosque that harbors members of the Extremist Muslim Brotherhood and an Imam as one of it's members, he praised them for their behavior as "Peace living" and that he was 'Proud' of what they stand for.
      It isn't that he didn't know the past, nasty antics of this particular Mosque, He certainly did.
      If it isn't so bizarre, I would say he is giving his last hoorah in upsetting this Country as much as he possibly can, in retribution of us proud Americans rejecting his Plans that never were acceptable in the first place.
      Yes, he showed his hand as a Community Dis-Organizer alright! I'm convinced it is his deliberate intention to create havoc for us if it's the last thing he does.
      Just think of it, as he spins his web of deceit, we still have another year before we drag him and his wife screaming and kicking out of the White House along with the Muslim friend, Valerie Bowman Jarrett.
     Hold onto your seats, Folks! It's not gonna' be a fun ride!   Just sayin'.

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