Wednesday, March 23, 2016
The bad red ants go out hunting and destroying all their enemy ants at random including entering the homes of human beings who wish they wouldn't destroy their habitat. Then they go home at night to their ant pile.
So what do the offended humans do to the ant pile when they finally locate it? Do they ask politely of the Good red ants to stop the Bad Red ants from their bad habits? Well....., we all know THAT AIN'T GONNA' HAPPEN!, don't we?
So you go to the President of the Red Ants who's extending his vacation and a long fat Cuban cigar with the Cuban neighbors and ask him to destroy the Bad Red ants so they won't do that bad stuff anymore.
"We can't destroy the Good Red ants just to rid ourselves of the Bad Red ants!!!" he replies adding; "We need to figure out a way to correct the Bad Red ants and not blame it on all the Good Red ants, but my plate is too full to worry about that, so it can just wait until I'm back from vacation!!!"
So I ask you Readers: What would you do with that Ant pile? Come on, now?? Just sayin'.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Come on, now!! How long are we going to let them continue to do it right before our very eyes, and still have our corrupted Gov't system not be taken down to the Hell-hole they themselves have created and continue to get away with?
They, along with the rest of the Communist-bound European Union losers who would sell us out for the sake of ultimate world power, still continue on unabated, with the misguided thought we are as stupid as they describe, and think us to be!
Consider this; After all the shenanigans, dishonesty and deception by the 'Liberal Left' to get as far 'Left' as they are, by slipping in their self imposed monickers such as 'Democratic', then 'Liberal' to 'Socialist' to 'Progressive', What do you think they can come up with next?
Let me help you along here; The 'Democrats' as they used to be were a group of people who unlike today, thought of themselves as 'Constitutional' abiding citizens but with different ways of doing business than the 'G.rand O.ld P.arty" of today. But there was one thing we all shared over 250 years and that was dedication to live our lives in acceptable Unity by way of the 'Declaration of Independence', 'U.S. Constitution' and 'Bill of Rights'. Not only for us, but also for Allied Countries who wished to follow our Constitutional system that proved to be well above their systems of mixed Socialism, Communism, Nazi-ism Totalitarianism and all those other 'F'ing-isms" still hanging around the rest of the World today! Most of them never quite made it through the metamorphis stage the way we did!
But having let our guard down on the 'other world'; the United Nations' the 'European Union', the Arab and Persian 'World of Islam', and the Communist Soviet Union over the years, we too easily forgot the bitterness and envy toward the U.S. Gov't "Of the People", "By the People" and "For the People". We literally closed our eyes to the Worldly bitterness by going on with the "Peacenik, Woodstocker" point of view that left us with our dicks hanging out, as they do today.
Aside from the North American Continent and Australia, we really don't have loyal friends in the human race mix. Sad, but true!
As a top retired and now deceased, U.S. General once said; "I wonder who hates us the most? The ones where we kicked their asses, or the ones where we saved 'em?"
I think of that statement often.
But little did we ever worry that the enemy we're facing now, would come from within our own borders. Not from the Immigrants as illegal as some may be from parts of our own Continent, but from the Progressives already home-grown here through our Public School system and Colleges. Yup! They caught us snoozing on the assumption it couldn't happen here! But it has!!
It started with the draft-dodgers of the Vietnam era and it didn't end the same time the war did! Those same Draft-dodgers and anti-war cowards who ran to the San Juan Islands, Canada and England in the Sixties and Seventies, can be found imbedded solidly in every branch of Gov't that exists in the U.S. today, and are still hungry to run the World the Utopian way they thought back then; Through total, Atheistic and Narcissistic means, they are still depending on the Honest-believing, God-believing naivety we harbor today and still thinking we haven't caught on to them yet.
In their stubbornly insistent way, they're pushing their Anti-Constitutional beliefs, relying on the "American Way" thinkers to be too stupid to figure it out.
Then just at the same weak moment of hard times, the homosexuals seized the opportunity to attach themselves to the more populated dissenters of the day to claim they had been mistreated by our "American Way" as well. Sadly enough, they don't know that us descendants of Immigrants may have enough moxy rubbed off on us to take back our Country with a forceful march with "whatever it takes" on Washington, D.C.
Know what I mean, Vern?? Just sayin'.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Are we doing the best we can? It's a simple question! If we are, we should be satisfied in our own personal realm, with at least that. Because in these Depressive days we're suffering our way through, it is important we lay our hands on every positive thought we can muster up, to avoid even more negativism facing us by someone else's choice other than our own. (The present Administration)
The important thing is being satisfied with the effort we ourselves put forth. We shouldn't always worry that someone among us did better than us, as much as we should wonder if we did our personal best! Because first and foremost, It's really us ourselves we have to live with, after everything else is said and done and not the rest of the World around us.
In other words, with the carnage being brought down on us from the 'Powers to Be' God-less "Socialists" right now, ACTING on our own good judgement rather than just pondering on it, is the only way to bring the change we need to get us and this Country back to the sanity we once were proud to present to the rest of the upside down, second-rate World that has forever clung to our coat-tails in the past. It's called; "THE AMERICAN WAY!" Right at this crucial point in time, it's the rest of the World it seems, that's raining this shower of negative, "One wrong-way 'back then' makes 'ten wrong-ways' alright now".
That is their 'Modus Operundi' along with total "Organized Disruption" they have in mind for our Country at this critical moment.
It seems they would like to put down our satisfaction with who we are and how we should think, by convincing the populace we could do better by listening to their rhetoric that ; We could do better than "The American Way" if we weren't so stupid, and could do better by following them in their "Progressive" direction. ("Progressive" meaning "Communist"!)
They are relying on their belief that they are Ungodly smarter, and we're Christianly dumber, and they need to "re-program" our minds to think differently.
They have been considerably successful with that, in our Post High School Public facilities with the College-entry crowd that has overwhelmingly been supporting Communist Bernie Sanders against the other Atheist, Hillary Clinton.
We must teach our youth to deter that Brain-washing Technique at all junctures.
One way to avoid that now is; Rather than to envy someone who has bested us at something, (Sports, Education Music etc.) we should appreciate the fact that they did better than us. We must continue to remind ourselves that; No matter how good we get in this World of competition, there will always be someone better! But there will always be a crowd behind you to see that you did better than they themselves did.
By doing so, we will be turning a negative into a positive and we'll sleep better.
On top of that, voice or at least think, a word of praise for the better above you. That in itself, is an accomplishment! For those who best the rest, congratulate the others for doing so well and getting as far as they did!
I'm not referring to the satisfaction of the rest of the World here, I'm referring to the United States of America we have been so proud to have lived in until the terribly failed recent past experiences of Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
The Socialists have only been successful at pitting the minds of our populace against each other to the point of dividing what were once God-loving and abiding families into mere feuding 'Used to be's", such as is taking place as I write!
Only by re-uniting those families with Christian values again, will we ever bring this Country back together where it once was. Just sayin'.
Friday, March 11, 2016
As much as I like to agree with and listen to the the positive theme on FOX NEWS and being a Constitutional abiding American, the amount Fox is using Megyn Kelly to do the up-front reporting on every incident regarding the coming Political Contests and every event leading up to the Nov. General Election this 2016, is far over-done by continually featuring Megyn Kelly.
She has her own show and style of reporting, but to be stuffing her down our throats for hours at a time each day and ignoring the chance of other well qualified people to take the same part moderating the lead as well, or better than she does, is too over-played!!
It's well known that Trump and Megyn Kelly don't see eye to eye on how to communicate to the American people or to each other, but it's also apparent that the tone and method of her interviews are clearly indicative of the fact she personally doesn't like Donald Trump.
Any Candidate has his views and God forbid, she is now attempting to convince the viewing public that the reason the Communist George Soros financed and inspired students (Move-on.Org), inrerupting and illegally violating Donald's Constitutional right to hold a Political rally, is because it's things Donald may or may not, have said in his own way of speaking his views in Politics.
It's not supposed to be Kelly's job to point the finger continually at the personal faults of Donald Trump, it IS her job to present the events in a fair and balanced manner so as the viewers can make up their own minds as to who they want for President.
There is absolutely no excuse for the "George Soros" money backed protesters disrupting a Presidential Candidate's right to hold a rally even if it is in the heart of the most corrupt, illiterate city of Chicago. PLEASE!! Give us someone besides Megan Kelly a chance more often so we can at least get out from under her personal vendetta against Donald Trump.
There are a helluva' lot of viewers wanting to listen and see this guy speak in his Redneck style of language and they don't agree with this Cat-eyed woman's point of view. Just sayin.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Doesn't it indicate that something is Constitutionally wrong with our upper level teachings? What else could it possibly be other than the planned dedication to Marxism for the future upbringing of our general Populace??
Otherwise, someone please explain to me why the whole most important Cornerstone of the American Way, our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence aren't forcibly taught in our Public Schools and Colleges? Has it never been required? If it has, then why was it changed right under our noses since then, and who on Earth gave our Teachers the right to simply eliminate it?
I'll offer this in favor of it being taught!; If it was placed in front of every Student and required to be read, they would very quickly realize that the documents were purposefully written for the defense of the Common man and woman as a protection against the Tyranny that they're about to face without it! Maybe then along with common-sense economics, they would also learn that without earning their financial way, it would be of no good to have a College education free if there was no place to apply it once they get it! Nothing is free. Most of all Freedom is not FREE!
They need to know that the graves of all the gallant warriors who ultimately gave their lives to keep Tyranny from invading our soil, (And it sure seems like we're under assault now!) were not in vain!
Just reading and understanding the Constitution itself, would tell them the freedom they've taken for granted so long must be earned and maintained to truly remain free of Atheism inspired Communism.
Bernie Sanders himself is a greedy man bent on climbing to power on the backs of the ignorant and unaware. Just sayin'
We all need to be aware of his real intentions and it's anything but good for "The American Way"!
First of all, he is the prime figure funding the organized protests and riots by minority groups such as "Black Lives Matter", "Wall Street protesters", "Move-on. org", "The Huffington Post" Left-wing Newspaper, and is Owner of "Progressive Insurance" that is so popular among motorcyclists. It tells you they have deliberately been hired to disrupt America and the "American Way" as we know it and was intended to be by our Founding Fathers two and a half Centuries ago.
They know it's our main source of strength that keeps us as a strong Country of Immigrants glued together with the same Christian and Godly beliefs.
I bring up Insurance Companies because as you are probably aware by now, Insurance Companies such as AARP and others played a major role in Designing Obamacare to begin with.
That's like hiring the Fox to design the Henhouse!!!(It was after the damage was done that we the people, were made aware by a loose lipped Obamacare Designer who let it slip that Obamacare was designed to fail from the very start. The reason?? Well, he also let it slip that the Gov't would by default, change the whole Health-care system to to a One-payer system such as exists in Canada and Great Britain. Hows that working for them?
I have a life-long friend still living up there, that has a basketball size tumor in his lower stomach that can't be scheduled for removal for 2 years, because of the shortage of doctors and qualified Technicians who can make better incomes working in other countries. Does"Death Panels" come to mind to you at all?? Know what I mean, Vern? Just sayin'.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Her past and present history of infamy is catching up to her in such a truthful, convicting way, I don't see how she will avoid conviction of treason and other multiple charges if a Republican President takes over the reigns of our once-sacred Country.
When she promises to keep surging forward in pursuing the direction Barack Hussein Obama has for the past two of his abominable, failing terms, what does that tell you??
It tells ME that she is out of escape routes due to the horrendous un-Godly behavior from the times before the first election of Bill's Presidency and ongoing up until now. Her failure to prioritize her Top secret Emails concerning the most sensitive of Security issues while she was Secretary of State for 4 solid years has got to tell you SOMETHING, shouldn't it? (Are you aware of how "the Clinton Foundation" grew so rapidly during her 4 years as Secretary of State to over two and a half billion dollars during that time?)
I would put it this way; Between her being an avowed Atheist before meeting "Horny" Bill, and who received top honors for writing a Thesis on Atheism while attending the Saul Alinsky Midwest Academy of Atheism a decade before Barack attended the same school and sat on it's board for two years, she has left a trail of suspicion worthy of 3 Al Capones put together! There is simply no way for her out of this mess!
During the Clinton reign as First Lady, there is the mysterious suicide of one of her closest Confidants and lawyers who was threatening to expose her on a crooked land deal, Vincent Foster.
Vincent was found in the woods with a gunshot wound he inflicted to the back of his head.
There's Benghazi where the Ambassador to Libya and 3 of his defending Patriots were murdered. It was done by a raid of Al Qaida terrorists, while at the same time the Secretary of State, Hillary, ordered his would-be additional defenders to stand down, while Al Qaida completed their task to destroy and burn the U.S. Embassy in which the Ambassador and his staff had taken refuge and were slaughtered.
Then there is the Top Secret Emails she left for the rest of the World to exploit as she made diplomatic visits to those questionable, enemy countries and in return, place 100's of millions of dollars more into her and Bill's Foundation while she was still Secretary of State. (The top enemies of the United States donated those dollars to the Clinton Foundation during that same Era.)
Her only way out of this mess to avoid prosecution, is to become President and then pardon herself. Barack Obama will use his devious power to protect her until after he leaves the Presidency. after that, she will be fair game to be pursued by prosecution. (His pardoning power will be diminished). Enjoy the ride Folks! Just sayin'.
(Don't eat that, Elmer, that's a road apple!)
Why? To selfishly increase the ratings and viewers for their own popularity! They aren't questions to bring the Viewers aware of the Candidates sincere intentions, by any means.
The interviewers are not doing the job they're truly there to do, when these tactics are used to create unneeded dispute between the Candidates.
Dragging up passing remarks made by one Candidate about another Candidate from a past interview on another show entirely, does not serve toward the better reason the Candidates are there; Often times, the moderator has not heard the whole story from the supposed excerpt! and the intent of the viewers is to be convinced by the Candidates in their own words as to what they can do for us, if elected to their desired positions and not to listen to second hand gossip from the moderator in order to make the interview as a hit for more viewers!
Also, under the guise of extracting the so-called truth, they bring up a query in an accusing manner that places the questioned Candidate in an already assumed "Guilty" position before he or she can properly explain and clarify the remarks of the past.
Of all the Candidates in the Republican debates I've been watching, the bottom line I look for is, which Candidate would truly conduct themselves in an informed, Constitutional, Bill of Rights way of doing the business of a Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People!"
They all display a willingness in their own way of straightening out our perverse Society we are bowing to now. For me, along with what I consider most commoners view, is what we so badly need right now.
After all, the common People of this Country are entitled to, and deserving of, Officials who are willing to conduct themselves in a Constitutional manner as required by the Laws of our land as set
forth by that Constitution.
We have seen very little of that expected mannerism and too much abuse of, and skirting around of, our Constitutional Rights for nigh on 8 years of the Obama Administration, Lower and Middle Court System, and U.S. Supreme Court bizarre behavior of mis-interpreting our laws already.
Do we, and can we, withstand this assault on our American Way and still expect it to survive? It isn't looking that way right now with some of the unnecessary accusitory actions of the Moderators I've seen so far.
Please stick to the positive purpose of the interviews! Just sayin'.
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