Saturday, March 19, 2016
Come on, now!! How long are we going to let them continue to do it right before our very eyes, and still have our corrupted Gov't system not be taken down to the Hell-hole they themselves have created and continue to get away with?
They, along with the rest of the Communist-bound European Union losers who would sell us out for the sake of ultimate world power, still continue on unabated, with the misguided thought we are as stupid as they describe, and think us to be!
Consider this; After all the shenanigans, dishonesty and deception by the 'Liberal Left' to get as far 'Left' as they are, by slipping in their self imposed monickers such as 'Democratic', then 'Liberal' to 'Socialist' to 'Progressive', What do you think they can come up with next?
Let me help you along here; The 'Democrats' as they used to be were a group of people who unlike today, thought of themselves as 'Constitutional' abiding citizens but with different ways of doing business than the 'G.rand O.ld P.arty" of today. But there was one thing we all shared over 250 years and that was dedication to live our lives in acceptable Unity by way of the 'Declaration of Independence', 'U.S. Constitution' and 'Bill of Rights'. Not only for us, but also for Allied Countries who wished to follow our Constitutional system that proved to be well above their systems of mixed Socialism, Communism, Nazi-ism Totalitarianism and all those other 'F'ing-isms" still hanging around the rest of the World today! Most of them never quite made it through the metamorphis stage the way we did!
But having let our guard down on the 'other world'; the United Nations' the 'European Union', the Arab and Persian 'World of Islam', and the Communist Soviet Union over the years, we too easily forgot the bitterness and envy toward the U.S. Gov't "Of the People", "By the People" and "For the People". We literally closed our eyes to the Worldly bitterness by going on with the "Peacenik, Woodstocker" point of view that left us with our dicks hanging out, as they do today.
Aside from the North American Continent and Australia, we really don't have loyal friends in the human race mix. Sad, but true!
As a top retired and now deceased, U.S. General once said; "I wonder who hates us the most? The ones where we kicked their asses, or the ones where we saved 'em?"
I think of that statement often.
But little did we ever worry that the enemy we're facing now, would come from within our own borders. Not from the Immigrants as illegal as some may be from parts of our own Continent, but from the Progressives already home-grown here through our Public School system and Colleges. Yup! They caught us snoozing on the assumption it couldn't happen here! But it has!!
It started with the draft-dodgers of the Vietnam era and it didn't end the same time the war did! Those same Draft-dodgers and anti-war cowards who ran to the San Juan Islands, Canada and England in the Sixties and Seventies, can be found imbedded solidly in every branch of Gov't that exists in the U.S. today, and are still hungry to run the World the Utopian way they thought back then; Through total, Atheistic and Narcissistic means, they are still depending on the Honest-believing, God-believing naivety we harbor today and still thinking we haven't caught on to them yet.
In their stubbornly insistent way, they're pushing their Anti-Constitutional beliefs, relying on the "American Way" thinkers to be too stupid to figure it out.
Then just at the same weak moment of hard times, the homosexuals seized the opportunity to attach themselves to the more populated dissenters of the day to claim they had been mistreated by our "American Way" as well. Sadly enough, they don't know that us descendants of Immigrants may have enough moxy rubbed off on us to take back our Country with a forceful march with "whatever it takes" on Washington, D.C.
Know what I mean, Vern?? Just sayin'.
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