Monday, February 13, 2017


     After hours upon hours upon hours between King Obama and Dictator Putin behind closed doors, not one political Talk show Host demanded to know what was recorded or said, including FOX NEWS to my knowledge!
      So it's okay for Obama to withhold anything he wants, no matter what! yet I remember him promising to be the most transparent President ever to be in the White House, if elected.
      As being just a normal Citizen myself, regardless of Technical rules as to 'who said what and when', someone please tell me why a man in the most important position in America, Barack Obama, can trade the most secret information with a potentially dangerous Tyrant such as Putin without our knowing??
     But an American Citizen not yet sworn into any post in the Trump Administration office can be scrutinized and sanctioned to the degree that General Flynn is, the 'already known to be dishonest' Press such as the Main Media has already sold out our Christian God and innocence for millions of pieces of Silver! Also 20 % of America's Uranium stockpile was sold by the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to the Russians !!!!
     I find it despicable that Obama's Chief Confidant, Iranian born Citizen Valerie Bowman Jarrett who lived with the Obama family in their personal quarters for 8 years, had a direct line to the Ayatollah Khomeni in Iran by which, she spoke daily to him with nothing ever being recorded. ( Was that phone call monitored by The NSA?)
     How hypocritical can that be??  Not only that, but how can anyone on the LEFT, with respect for this Country's voting Bloc look in the mirror each morning and not feel ashamed of their dishonesty??
     I can tell you why; They have no fear of God, nor do they believe he exists.
     Oh, yes! you can rub shoulders with them when they show up in one of their chosen churches and hide behind the skirts of it, but it doesn't change who they are.
     Don't mistaken me! I have no dislike for the Sheeple who have been misled by them and still don't! It only make me disgusted with those who would betray their own mother for a dime! Just sayin'.    

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