Sunday, February 5, 2017


     Let's make this clear!! Most of President Trump's "Executive Orders" are going to be in correction of the outrageous Executive orders that our prior Anti-American tyrant Barack Obama has written during his tenor of President for 8 years! 
     I believe, the so-called appointed "Conservative" Judge who declared Trump's executive order "illegal" for him to ban certain Refugees in Muslim Countries from temporarily entering the United States without proper Vetting is wrong! Trump's idea is the sane thing to do to maintain Law and Order here. It is the ONLY way to do it at this time when we have already allowed it to be too lax already! Obama and his political supporters are Thugs along with that Judge.
     Having had the greatest of regard in the past for the Bush family and their prior behavior during their reigns as Presidents, I can't say the same, now that I have for the past 5 years, researched into the Politics and what has gone on since that time.
     I thought there was complete sincerity in their actions and understood particularly how George W. Bush beat the "Progressives" at their own game when re-running for his second term. He simply offered to the voters, the same stuff as what the opposition was planning to offer in their challenge to him in their determination to defeat him. In other words, he beat them at their own game!! But more and more I'm beginning to believe they are all with the same idea except it's a battle of the worldly , Atheist Titans as to "WHO" will control the same ploy; "The New World Order" that will be in charge of the entire Global World, if they get their way!
     It worked!! He won!! until then I hadn't paid much attention to the method in the madness by which elder George H, Bush conducted himself after the fact. E.G. I didn't have prior knowledge that He and Bill "Horny" Clinton were members of the "Skull &Bones Society" in which secrecy was part of their "Modus Operandi"!
     At first, I was puzzled to say the least, by the Father/Son relationship that developed between  Bush Sr. and Bill "Horny" Clinton! Then in further research concerning the "Global" Theory of a One World Gov't of the whole World in the future, it is interesting to note, that in 1973, the great Political Philosopher Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter and George H. Bush played a part of advising a self appointed Committee called "The Trilateral Commission"! That of which was set up in Brussels, Belgium with the Assistance of Atheist, International Billionaires and, thought to be just a dream at the time, but is now a reality.
     In previous blogs, I reported the formation of such a Commission, and noted how The Obama Administration including John Kerry  and Hillary Clinton, often and consistently, reported to on World developments including The United States, before returning to the Mother Country and the Congress.
     Well......, this isn't a dream any longer, but a stark Reality!
     If you're wondering why Barack Obama is still insisting on playing an active Political role in the affairs of stirring up unrest and riots along with their financier, Gyorgy Schwartz, (Alias George Soros, an International Billionaire who finances the Leaders of all those destructive riots in our Country) you might more readily understand my concern. Know what I mean, Vern??? Just sayin'.

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