Friday, February 10, 2017


     What's wrong with Yvonka Trump doing business on her own, aside from the White House business???
     After all, the Obama Administration was loaded with people who were collecting more than one paycheck. Eg; Obama's White House Chief of Staff, Valerie Bowman Jarrett was collecting 4 or five paychecks all the while living with the Obama's in the White House as part of  their personal family!      Her combined income while receiving Taxpayer's money was 1.2 million dollars a year! Check it out!
     It's just another example of the mass hypocrisy that exists in the Communist/Progressive Party!
     A sewer smells better than that bunch!!
     It's absolute sickening to reflect back and see the damage both permanent and temporary, they have inflicted from every level of our Gov't. It's going to continue of course, because the Justice system is corrupted with the "Progressive"/Communist Atheists that control almost every  level of our once-Great America!
     That's what we have gotten in return for allowing those putrid Left-overs from the days of Woodstock run our Gov't! In fact, we should banish those baby-killers to live with their Leftist Counterparts in a Country such as New Zealand and the remainder of them in Guantanamo Bay. As you may remember, New Zealand wouldn't allow our Military ships to refuel when they needed it.The way our dissenting Citizens have been abusing our use of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and, yet hide behind it themselves, is grossly immoral, anyway! Just sayin'.

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