Sunday, March 12, 2017


     Good Gosh!! As this futile attempt by the "Progressive/Communist" Leaders of the "Un-Constitutional Left" goes on, the apparent implosion of their "Follow the European Leaders" idea for the denouncement of Christianity and the dream of a "One World Government" is bringing us back to the memorable days of 'Old'. Way back to the days leading up to the reasons for the Mayflower!
     How can we possibly forget the reason for the laborious launching and re-launching of the Mayflower from Europe to get away from that scenario in the first place?
     Please take the time to explore their reasoning and determination to make themselves a new Christian beginning! Being without a specific religion, but believing in God, they pushed on!
     Those people were being purged from the SOCIALIST/ATHEIST European World in one way or another! (Europe was determined to ship their "Deplorables" there to be rid of them anyway, shortly after!) Don't forget Hillary referred to us as such in her Campaign! Remember that?? 
     As to the Mayflower Folks;
     After a failed start on their journey, due to a storm breaking their main mast and having to return from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to Europe for repairs in the Spring, they were still hell-bent on starting again in the Fall, when the Atlantic storms were at the beginning of their worst season! Sadly, but at the same time amazing enough, they made it to Plymouth Rock after losing 2/3rds of their group to illness, circa November 23rd, 1619. (Had I been alive then, it would've been my and my eldest daughter's birthday!)
     Fast forward to now, and what are we seeing in the "Left's" failed attempt that's recently happened? Except, unlike the People on the Mayflower, there would have been no other place on earth for us to escape to, had they succeeded in their effort to "Globalize" us, today!!
     It would be disastrous to allow their purging of us believers in Christianity now!
     Those believers of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in a "One World Order" quest, are tremendously desperate currently, to take down President Donald Trump because he, thank God, knew what they had in mind! As a faithful  Christian, he stopped them in their tracks when they really thought they had it made with the Election of Hillary Clinton, to go on and finish the job. With that false self-assurance in mind, they have spread their God-less disease through-out the Gov't now being replaced, and are desperate to save their backsides from prosecution in the near future.
     Well, President Trump, as I said before; Don't close Guantanamo yet!!  As I said in previous blogs and repeating President Ronald Reagan; "You can run, but you can't hide!!"
     Well,.......You Lefties have no place to hide with your spoils, either!!   Just sayin'!

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