Saturday, September 2, 2017


     An African American man who recognized the masked dilution of the true Atheists that hide behind the shadows of churches, Godly Religions and worst of all, use the protection of our existing U.S. Constitution to protect themselves, and know that it also stands in their way and must first destroy it to establish a "ONE WORLD ORDER"  further down the road.
     (It would be "COMMUNIST" controlled by International Billionaires and 'Above God' Atheistic beliefs! )
      Their devious intention in hiding behind the Constitution is devious to say the least!, Their true intention is to destroy it for the sake of an Ungodly "Global" sharing. A sharing that will take the "America Way" into virtual non-existence because we will have no Constitutional means to protect us when they're done destroying it!!! Our precious resources and minerals will be presented on a platter to them and to the rest of the undeserving "Globalists" who will never have to toil or pay for them!
     In fact Hillary Clinton while Secretary of State, was so sure the "Progressives" would stay in office beyond Obama's term, that she already gave Vladimir Putin 20% of America's Uranium deposits before leaving her Post! (What does that tell you????) In return, they contributed 10's of millions of dollars to Hillary and Bill's 'Tax free" Foundation!!
      Read on now, from the brilliant mind of  Senator Elbert Guillory (R);
Special message from Elbert Guillory- Louisiana State Senator (R)
      "To my Black Brother or Sister;
In 2013, I made National headlines when I abandoned the Government Plantation and Party of Disappointment. Otherwise known as the "Democratic Party". (AKA "PROGRESSIVE PARTY!)
     My reason? Democrats have hijacked and enslaved Black America for their own power while destroying the Black Community! Now I'm trying to break those chains once and for all!"
     "That's why I have sent you this "Little Book of Liberal Lies"!
      "Not only does this booklet give Liberals a well deserved tongue lashing, it also exposes the top 3 lies they use to keep Black Americans like you in chains".
      "If nothing else, I hope your eyes are opened to the fact that Hillary Clinton and ALL Liberals don't care about me, you, the Black Community or Freedom".
     "They only care about one thing: "CONTROL"!
     "After reading this, I pray you'll join me today by rejecting your modern day 'Slave-Masters' and abandon the Democratic 'Plantation' Party of disappointment while turning to the TRUE party of Freedom, The Republican  Party.
     The Party of Frederick Douglas, Abraham Lincoln and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!
     God Bless You!!
     Senator Elbert Guillory"

     LIBERAL LIE  # (1)
     "When I abandoned the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans in 2013, I made National News and became "Public Enemy" #1 for all Liberals and Leftists. That's because they know I destroyed their first lie;"
     "The lie that all Republicans are "RACISTS"!
      "If I expose this lie to other Black Americans, The Democrats will lose their strangle-hold on the Black Community."
      "If they lose that, they'll lose what they want most; CONTROL!"
      "So those RACIST Democrats tried to silence me by blasting me as an...
      "OREO", "UNCLE TOM", and "RACE-TRAITOR"!.....(Ironic, right???")
      "That's not surprising! After all,
       "THE REAL HOME OF RACISM IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! ......Don't think so? Hard to believe??  BELIEVE IT!!! Here's a few examples straight from the racist mouth's of...;
       PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON; (D), Racist Father of  Modern-day Progressivism said;
"The White men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation.... until at last there had sprung into existence a 'great' Ku Klux Klan, a veritable Empire of the South, to protect the Southern Country"!
       PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN (D) -Unabashed Racist!
      "I think that one man is just as good as another. so long as he's not a Nigger or a Chinaman"!

     Truman went on to say; "Uncle Will says that the Lord made a white man from dust, a Nigger from mud, then he tossed up what was left and down came a Chinaman!"
      "He (Uncle Will) does hate Chinese and Japs! So do I! It is Race prejudice, I guess. But I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, Yellow men in Asia and White men in Europe and America!"
      PRESIDENT LYNDON JOHNSON (D)- Creator of the so-called 'Great Society'
      "I'll have those Niggers voting Democrat for the next hundred years!"
      PRESIDENT CLINTON (D) Modern-day Racist! (Slick Willie) AKA (Horny Bill)
      "A few years ago, Barack Obama would have been getting us coffee!!"
      "...a light-skinned African American (OBAMA)'with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one!"
      "You got the first Mainstream, African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy, I mean that's a storybook, man!!" (Describing Obama)
      REVEREND AL SHARPTON (A White-hating Black Leader! )
      "White Folks was in caves while we was building Empires... We taught Philosophy and Astrology and Mathematics before Socrates and them Greek Homo's ever got around to it"!
( In a speech at Kean College, NJ. 1994)
     REVEREND JESSE JACKSON (D) (Fathered an Illegitimate child)
     "There is nothing more painful to me, than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved!"..... ?????
     HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON (D)  (We all know who she is!!!!)
     Her comment to Paul Fray; "You f*cking Jew bastard!"
     In 1996; "They (black youths) are often the kinds of kids that are called "Super Predators".....No conscience, no empathy, we can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to "heel!"     (Like animals, maybe??)
      Worst of all, Hillary admires a woman named MARGARET SANGER Birth-control Activist and Racist.
       Sanger created what eventually became the "Planned Parenthood Federation of America". The same group that has aborted millions of black babies.
      Take a look at what Margaret Sanger thinks of Black Americans and what Hillary thinks of her....
      "Colored People are like weeds and need to be exterminated!"
     Hillary; "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity and her vision!"                                                                                                                                                                                       
Now that we've slapped down the "LIBERAL LIE" Number (1) with their own RACIST words,
, let's move on to the "Lie  # (2)
"It's the REAL home of Racists! "The Democrats have done a great job lying and convincing Americans like you that they are the Party of Civil Rights"....., Nothing could be further from the truth...but there's a REAL history the Democrats don't want you to know; The Democratic Party CREATED the KU KLUX KLAN after the Confederacy's defeat in the Civil War!"
     "An estimated 3,446 Black Republicans and 1,297 White Republicans were lynched by KKK between 1882 and 1968!"
     "The JIM CROW Segregation laws in the South were created by Democrats looking to overturn Republican Civil Rights laws! ( They all look alike in robes, but underneath, they were Democrats!") 
     Democrats supported the DRED SCOTT Supreme Court decision that said, "A Negro whose Ancestors were imported into the U.S. and sold as slaves, whether enslaved or free, could not be an American Citizen."
     "The decision was7-2 with all 7 Democrat Judges voting in favor, and 1 Republican and 1 Whig dissenting."
     "Immediately after taking office in 1913, PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON (D) fired most Republicans who worked in the Federal Gov't and RE-SEGREGATED the Treasury Dept., Mail Service and the Navy!"
      "Woodrow Wilson is on record when he stated; Segregation is not humiliating, but a benefit and distinctly to the advantage of the Colored People themselves!"
     "Governor George Wallace (D) Alabama stood in front of the Alabama Schoolhouse in 1963, fighting to keep Segregation permanent!"
     "Democrat Public Safety Commissioner Eugene "Bully" Connor, (Alabama.) unleashed Attack dogs and turned fire hoses on Civil Rights Demonstrators!" ( This is just the tip of the iceberg of the Democrat's Racist history.)
     "As much as  Democrats don't want the Black Americans to know about this, they REALLY don't want you to know that the Republican Party is the REAL Party of Civil Rights!"
     "Somehow the Democrats have 'whitewashed' history to cover up the fact that the Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an Abolitionist movement with one simple Creed; " SLAVERY IS A VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF MAN!"!
     "Famous African/American Abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, called the Republicans "The Party of Freedom and Progress" and saying; "I am a Republican. A black, dyed in the wool Republican and I never intend to belong to any other Party than the Party of Freedom and Progress!"
     "The first Republican President was Abraham Lincoln - The author of  "The Emancipation Proclamation", freeing the slaves, much to the Democrats' horror!"
     "Republicans in Congress authored the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Congressional Republicans unanimously backed the 13th Amendment banning Slavery while 63% of Democratic Senators and 78% of Democratic House members voted against it."
     14th Amendment - DUE PROCESS.
     "94% of Republican Senators and 96% of Republican House Members voted in favor of the 14th Amendment, guaranteeing due process of law to Blacks and all Americans.
     All Congressional Democrats voted NO!
     15th Amendment - RIGHT TO VOTE.
     Section 1. "The right of Citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude."
     Last but not least.....,
     PRESIDENT DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (R) championed "THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT of 1957. Unanimously supported by Republicans. "Democrats in the Senate opposed and filibustered it!"
     Quote from Robert Byrd;  (D)  (KKK)
     "Better I should die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved Land of ours become degraded by the Race-mongrels!
      A throwback to the blackest specimen from the Wilds!"
     "Now that you know the TRUE history of the Republican and Democratic Parties and who the REAL Racists are,  it's time to move on to the "3rd LIBERAL LIE!";
     "The Democratic Party has created the illusion that their Agenda and policies are what's best for the Black People! In fact, the heart of Liberalism is the belief that only a great, all-powerful Central Government can be the Benefactor  of Social Justice for all Americans. But remember what I told you; The Democrats are interested in only one thing! DEMOCRATS LOVE CONTROL!"
     "These 'Empty Suits' Democrats disguise 'Control' as CHARITY! But they're only 'charitable' with other peoples' money! That's exactly how they control and enslave Black Americans!"
     "Through Gov't controlled programs like Welfare, Food stamps, etc......., Do you know what I think about that??"....., I think the idea that Blacks or anyone else for that matter, need Gov't in order to get ahead in life is despicable!" ("Can I hear an Amen, my Brothers and Sisters?)"
     "Even more important is how LIBERAL POLICIES have failed the Black Community!"
     "Black Americans vote over 90% for Democrats, but our Communities are just as poor as they've ever been, or sometimes completely razed! EG. Just look at Detroit!! It's a Liberal controlled Hell-hole!!"
     "Our Schools continue to fail Children and Liberals refuse to allow school vouchers while continuing to send THEIR kids to the best private ones!"
     "Our Prisons are filled with too many young men, who should be at work raising their family and caring for them!"
     "Here's the bottom line......, LIBERALISM has destroyed Black America" "Liberals don't care about Liberty. They don't care about Freedom! Liberals couldn't care less about African Americans like me and you!"
     "That's why I decided to leave the Democratic Party for good in 2013!" (Most people said it was a 'bold' decision. I don't think so!! I think it was the RIGHT decision. Not only for me, but for all my brothers and sisters in the Black Communities)
     After all, The REPUBLICAN PARTY is the PARTY OF FREEDOM!"
     "FREEDOM"! A word that's tossed around so frequently today that it's become a cliché!"
     "Here's what FREEDOM means to me and my Black Brothers and Sisters;....FREEDOM is the idea that the Economy must remain free of Gov't persuasion!"
     "The idea that the Press must operate without Gov't intrusion and actually hold our Leaders' feet to the fire!"
     "FREEDOM is the idea that Parents must be the decision-makers in regards to their children's education. Not some Gov't Bureaucrat!"
     "Most importantly, "FREEDOM" is the idea that the Individual must be free to pursue his or her own happiness free from Gov't control! Because to be truly FREE is to be reliant on no one other than the Author of our destiny, Almighty God!!!"
     "These are the ideas at the Core of the REPUBLICAN PARTY and CONSERVATISM!"
     "SO, my Brothers and Sisters, will you join me today in abandoning the Government Plantation and Party of Disappointment??" "Will you join me in casting off the chains the Democratic Party has enslaved you with?"
     "Will you flee their Plantation once and for all?"
     Because in so doing, we may finally all echo the words of one Republican Leader who famously said; FREE AT LAST! THANK GOD ALMIGHTY! WE ARE FREE AT LAST!!
The words of:  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


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