Thursday, September 10, 2015


    It's great to see Donald Trump throw his hat in the ring. With all the discord within the various groups consisting of the Conservative Washington Insiders, the Tea Party and the supposedly Conservative Fox News Channel, It's really a breath of fresh air.
    I say "Supposedly" Fox News Channel because it seems lately like more and more "Flaming Liberals" are creeping their way into the Fox Organization. I understand that Fox advertises themselves to be "Fair and Balanced" but I think I also need to remind them there are 4 other News stations already spreading the Liberal, Socialist agenda. The listening public is saturated with their crap.
   How the wanna-be Geraldo Rivera was allowed to sneak his way in there is beyond me! But he's there and coming on strong. If ever there was a "Plant", he's certainly one.
   Al Sharpton is another joke along with Alan Colmes. Let them shoot their ignorant, overtalking mouths off on the loser channels instead of Fox News. Just sayin'.
    It's refreshing to have a man with enough money not to be afraid of what he's going to say next. Particularly when it's in favor of someone else other than the Liberal Socialists. Goodness knows, we can't turn on the news to any other channel than Fox and not be overwhelmed by the propaganda they are spreading.
    We Freedom seeking people in the middle and the right who want to stem the rapid growth of Government had better decide to consolidate in the same way the Socialists did a long time ago.
Haven't you noticed that as diverse an organization as they are, they keep their differences behind closed doors? The homosexuals get their kinky wants by convincing the  others that they need the votes. The Arts, Actors, Anarchists (Domestic terrorists), Gov't Unions and Pro-abortion groups did the same thing. Altogether they're a force to be reckoned with. They have fallen in lockstep with each other. As I pointed out in an earlier blog, They're all schooled to behave the same way right down to the smile.
    Can't you see that the normal folks who are by far the majority need to do the same thing?
    In my eyes, abnormal groups and special interest groups do not have fair and normal thinking.
Not when it comes to laws and regulations that the vast majority are then required to live up to. You just can't have the Fox guarding the henhouse! A gay judge in a sexual abuse case is wrong, for example.
    I'm hoping that with Donald Trump's entry into the Conservative arena, for better or worse, it will bring us all together as it should be. We really do need some pot-stirring here!
    We need to steal a phrase from their book. Together we stand, Divided we fall.

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