Wednesday, June 22, 2011


                                             email me

    Has anybody noticed that the Community Organizers who are registered members of the Democratic/Socialist Party are actually well healed themselves, not from living under Socialism but by living their lives in a free america that flourished under Capitalism? Capitalism that put them through college by way of student loans they probably still haven't paid back?
   Capitalism that gave them the free market capabilities to do as they wished with their earnings?
   A country that flourished with jobs created by people who produced something for a dollar and weren't totally collared by a choking Socialist tax system that brought other countries around the world to their knees, time after time?
   All of these people who are pushing a Socialist agenda down our throats did not achieve their wealth  under a Socialist system! Some of them earned it honestly, some of them milked the system. But I can bet you this much. They already have their piece of the pie and they don't care if anybody who isn't with their program makes it or not!
   They see their chance for a power grab, not just over the United States of America, but with the chaos that's going on in the world today and being led by Sneaky George Soros, control of the whole world by means of "The New World Order".
   Sounds far out, doesn't it? It's not.
   If we wish to continue as a free, Capitalist Nation, You will ignore their promises of Wealth Redistribution and vote for someone else who isn't Marxist minded.
   Elmer Fudd has better sense than Barack Hussein Obama.
   It's the Haves, not the Have-nots that are pushing that show and if you're a "Have-not" now, you're gonna be a "Have-not" the rest of your life if they get their way.
   Stay with "God Bless America" my friends. Just sayin'.

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