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I have studied the actions of people all my life. Not necessarily because I want to, but simply because I'm compelled to! I don't know if I can explain it properly, but it might be by learning from some of my own imperfections.
Of course, if you let the Main Media have their way, Barack Obama doesn't have any,or so it seems.
Here's how I think he does it, thank goodness for "Fox News."
First of all, He's not an American as we see normal, everyday Americans. As a child, he was raised by white grandparents in Indonesia. They had a missionary purpose but yet allowed him to be raised a Muslim. Anything wrong with that picture so far? Eventually the family moved back to the U.S. where he claims to have converted to Christianity. But a weird kind. A kind that, led by the black Reverend Wright, preaches hatred towards the Whites and Jews of this United States of America. Faithfully, Barack listened to his volatile preachings of reverse racism. 25 years of it, whose latest proclamation was,"Not God Bless America, God Damn America."
Our President is definitely NOT a normal Ameican. He never, ever left his Muslim faith!
He knows what his own intentions and policies are, but he knows they are not part of the the Capitalistic American way we're all used to. He understands the methods in which we ran this country up until now. He knows how the Constitution works and what it means. He knows the laws of this Country that are based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, because after all, he graduated from the University of Chicago plus a few other Ultra Liberal Universities, as a Magna Cum Laude. ("Man of great Praise") Truly an achievement to be proud of, normally. It can also be looked at by the folks determining the recipient of this honor, that if you're one of these, if you're not only smart, but express agreement with their philosophies of life, you're a winner. The Nobel Peace Prize Organization is a great example of this. If you're not in line with their European,Socialist way of thinking, YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET ONE, BUDDY!! In the case of the University of Chicago, the philosophies they teach lean toward Socialism and yes, even Communism. If you,re one of those, you just might get one. By the way, Obama got one!
Van Jones, an appointed Czar and close friend of Obama's and also a graduate of the University of Chicago, an avowed and admitted member of several communist organizations, is a great example of Obama's close, personal friends. But not to get away from my main point, here.
Obama has a technique commonly known as "Deflect the Blame". He surrounds himself with people who believe in his philosophy, are dedicated to his cause, and are willing to be labelled "Suicide Blunderers", when caught in their subversive actions. They are dedicated to this man to the point they will go down in flames, rather than place the blame on him. Don't kid yourself about these people!
Can anybody tell me what's "Apple pie" about this guy?
Barack Obama is a Sociopath with a mission, and he knows exactly what they're doing in every faucet of his Administration. But he has developed a "Teflon" coating to cover himself with, so he can micromanage what's happening from the safety of Air Force One, so to speak, and let his loyal Subordinates take the heat when something goes wrong, Such as "Solyndra", "Fast and Furious" and many more screw ups to come. They all say he didn't know, when I believe he inspired his loyal Regime to direct these deeds, but with the understanding that they do not implicate him. Eric Holder, for example. The Att. General of the United States, claims that Obama knew nothing about the "Fast and Furious " scandal. (The secret selling of thousands of automatic weapons to the Mexico Drug Cartel, of which two were used by them to kill 2 border Agents two months ago.)
He's wearing his "Magna Cum Laude" badge of honor in a most bizarre and misguided way to achieve his goal of becoming leader of the New World Order just as George H. Bush predicted he might if he played his cards right.
No honest, God loving person should be following or defending this man.
His following consists of people who are either athiests, (Marxists), misinformed or misguided victims of wrong information. And there's nothing worse than a misguided Christian! Just sayin'.
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