Thursday, July 26, 2012
When you look at a sleeping child, a puppy, a kitten or any other newborn animal, isn't it a beautiful sight? I'm sure most humans feel the same way. It has a heartwarming, heart melting affect on this guy!
I'm sure that a higher power arranged it that way. It's gotta be! It's the look of loving innocence from someone who didn't ask to be here, that is totally dependent on us all to help, to feed, to hug and last but not least, to love throughout one's own whole life with all of his or her God given feelings.
Anything less just won't do! It's a miracle of birth that lasts a lifetime, and anyone who thinks of it in a lesser way is missing out on a whole lot of joy in their life, don't you think?
I don't need pictures to remember how every one of my children looked when they were sleeping. I always felt when I gazed at them or any other sleeping child, that they were also being watched by
someone much more heavenly than me. I'm sure they were and are to this day, no doubt in my mind.
If I wanted to go to bed with peace of mind from a troubled day, I only had to view my children first, regardless of any other troubles that existed, I could sleep, knowing they were in the secure presence of the Sandman. Because I always felt he was God's "Angel of sleep".All children are rewarded with one.
We have an infant Grandchild in our life now, and seeing her sleeping face on Facebook hits a soft spot in me.
None of us are ever too old to love little children, I guess.
Thought I'd pass that on. Just sayin'.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
It took me a while earlier in life to learn the do's and don'ts when talking to someone concerning your personal affairs. So often you can fall into the trap of "The line of Least Resistance" when it comes to discussing personal matters with your friends.
It's always great to get things off your mind that bother you about every day matters, particularly when you think you're in the company of someone you consider your friends. You can even look at it as therapy at the time, because you're getting little, and sometimes big things that bother you, off your mind to people you feel you can confide in.
But to me there's an unwritten code of conduct that I try to constantly remind myself of, and sometimes violate myself, that you and your spouse and/or friends agree to subconsciously as you get to know each other well. It's called respect! Respect for one's statements whether good or indifferent, one's personal habits, whether or not they annoy you or your spouse or friend, and last but not least, bottom line trust in one another at a time of disagreement, that 99% of the time is quickly forgiven at the time.
If mutual trust hasn't yet been lost among each other, you must work to regain or maintain it as well. It's all essential to a healthy relationship. Am I on the right course, so far?
So often you can take for granted the trust of an acquaintance, and in conversation say something personal about another in passing, so to speak, that you don't think harms anyone. But think about it first. Just in saying it, are you passing on something that can be construed as a "vote of non-confidence" in regard to the spouse or friend that you're discussing? Because this is what happens.
You can discard most things as quickly as you said them and move on to another subject, but the person you said it to does not discard or forget it as readily.
If you fall into the habit of doing it, you will sometime in the near or distant future, regret you said it.
My thought is simply this. If you wish the relationship to eventually end in nasty feelings, keep doing it. Because it will happen.
If you wish your relationship to grow and be everlasting, stop doing it and let each other be a little more forgiving toward each other. Give each other the benefit of the doubt.
There's a saying that's proven true to me over the years, although I myself tend to forget it, " Don't tell your troubles to your friends, but your enemies, they're the only ones that appreciate them!" Think about that and then ask yourself this question. Do you want your friends you talk to every day to maintain their respectful regards for the person you've just discussed?
It's really all that simple. Just sayin'.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
And it should be, shouldn't it? Well, allow me to critique it, if you don't mind.
The voter laws. They're clear throughout the States and upheld by the States. It's clear, that if you're a legal citizen of the U.S., you are eligible to vote in any public election. All you need to do, is prove it with personal, proper I.D. You can first register to vote. Then, if you haven't already, fill out your ballot correctly and then VOTE!! Do you see anything complicated about that??
Well, over the years, people cheated. People operating the polls have aided in the cheating. People have voted more than once at different polling stations. People have falsified papers to register to vote.
Do you realize the ripple effect that takes place when just one person falsifies a vote? If they voted for someone else other than you did, they have just cancelled your precious, sacred vote. The one thing that you have clung to that proves you have not committed crimes against your neighbors. A right afforded you as poor as you may be, or as rich as you may be, you are equal to each other because you both have only one vote. It's the one time that every legal and qualified U.S. citizen can say they are, according to the laws of our U.S. Constitution, equal in accordance with our voting laws. The only other time we're going to all be equal is when we die. So don't let them take it from us.
Elections have been bought and sold for years by politicians persuading voters with money to vote their way. There are many underhanded ways to see that someone votes one way or the other, but even though the power of persuasion was used, the system still worked decently well, because the tactics used were still kept within the confines of assumption that all the votes were still legally cast.
But it's gotten far beyond that. The intention of the Justice Dept. under the direction of Eric Holder, is trying to interfere with States who are intending to enforce the requirement that voters produce I.D. before they vote. Of course it's broadly known and spreading rapidly that Barack Obama is counting on illegal and fraudulent votes to stay in office. It's that simple.
As the polls are beginning to indicate, he is probably getting the correct notion he won't be re-elected and with that goes his "Dreams from his father". His dream being, to take control of this great country by hook or by crook. So he's using the Justice Dept. to do what ever it takes to accomplish that task.
Imagine the U.S. Dept. of Justice going out of it's way to block the States from enforcing a law that's so sacred and important to each and every one of us.
Their intention is clear now, they've been so bold as to not care if they've exposed their intentions. They are hell bent on allowing felons and illegals to vote and not allowing pollsters to stop them. This allows every illegal vote to nullify a legal one.
A Justice Dept. under the Control of Barack Obama with a Director who allowed an illegal alien drug smuggler to shoot one of our border guards to death, with an automatic weapon that was secretly sold to him by permission of the Director, Eric Holder. The Republican Congress has charged Holder with Contempt of Congress for not turning over the 170,000 documents that he's withholding concerning the case. Barack Obama has issued an executive order to Holder to seal the documents from Congress.
Can you believe it?? We have a President gone amuck !! Just sayin.'
Friday, July 20, 2012
It's a great way to judge the level of mentality in a person or in this case persons, when a terrible, murderous incident takes place and how they react to it. For instance, in the case of the Aurora, Colorado massacre.
The bodies had't even turned cold yet when a Democratic Spokesperson raced to the Main Media to suggest that it may have been an idea of the Tea Party. Now ask yourself about the level of the intelligence of Obama's supporters. Is this the kind of dirty politics that deserves to be re-installed in the White house? I mean, look at the damage that bunch has already done to our Country while there for three and a half years? Can low lifes like that be trusted to handle the monetary and regulatory affairs of a nation as big as this one when they can't be depended on to tell it like it is without being immorally rotten to the core?
Judge for yourself, folks. Do you really want to be represented by that kind of Scum?
If you were to compare similarities, this killer was described as being dressed totally in black, along with his armor. I don't think I need to remind anyone what an anarchist dresses like when he or she is out to do physical damage do I? The Anarchists, who are the advance party in all the Community Organized Wall St. Occupiers protests? You see them usually on Street corners in early evenings as though they're about to hold a meeting in preparation for a late night event. Sometimes though, they wear normal street apparel until in the middle of an organized crowd, then when surrounded by other dissident supporters, they don their black clothing and bring out their masks and clubs in preparation to do physical damage. Sound familiar to you?
One of them only has to be a little speck nuttier to carry on something as bizarre as this, wouldn't you think? Wouldn't one of those Obama encouraged and sponsored fools fit in with the killer far better than a middle aged Tea Partier who's standing there yawning and scratching his balls?
I really don't want to think it was either one, to be honest with you. But I am a little bit perturbed with a Liberal sympathizer like Brian Ross and the likes of him suggesting this sort of stuff when it comes to any other Party besides his own when he has absolutely no reason to dream this up except for a kink in his own mental make up. Just sayin'.
There's no one I know who is purposefully against African Americans. I'm sure I'm not only speaking for myself, but for most other non-Blacks when I say they're welcome to my life in every positive sense. The rejection only comes to people in my life who behave in an undesired manner. I don't profile anybody in connection with their race.
In fact, it's a moral obligation to avoid or confront said person who outwardly displays contempt for the law, for other religious beliefs and other reasonable ethnic beliefs.
As far as crime in the streets is concerned, there is a prominent dressing behavior that invites scrutiny. This also involves parental outlook that comes into play. If the parents are too distracted to care,then who's to keep the kids straight?
It's a fact that gangs roam the streets all over the U.S.A. Those gangs have all donned a dressing style that is definitely representative of someone who thumbs their nose at normalcy and intentionally wants to behave and appear different. Unfortunately it involves ill intentions of one sort or another starting with graffiti, gang dedication and then leading to gang activity. Then it's felony arrest for drugs and sometimes death.
The next problem comes from the lack of housing in the Penal system. Why are we so reluctant to provide larger cell accommodation in virtually all the jails and prisons? If the need is for more, then build more. As it is, when a felony is committed, the police find and apprehend the offender, charge him or her and place them in jail to await trial. They've done their job, right? The problem is, when they're brought before the judges, they have no place to permanently jail the offenders. so they simply reduce the charges to misdemeanors, schedule them for a further court appearance and release them. They frequently don't reappear for the misdemeanor trial, and unless arrested sometime down the road, roam free to commit further offenses. This results in another problem. Since it's been reduced to a misdemeanor, it allows them to register to vote, whereby otherwise they couldn't because of the felony. Do you think the Judges consider this when they make their decision? With their busy schedule, probably not. Slick, huh? And if they weren't in the habit of wearing a hoody to conceal their facial appearance, they are now!!
Call it profiling if you will, but wearing a hoody on a summer's day when it's hot and covering your head like you feel more secure by doing so, is copying what most normal dressing people find odd and associated with gang behavior. They're inviting scrutiny!
In my opinion it's defiance of Society and even though you may be doing nothing wrong, it's a subconscious way of not caring if you do appear that way.
Most harmful of all, are the parents or parent condoning such behavior and assuming that their son or daughter aren't doing anything wrong just because they dress that way. When in fact they should be continually checking them just to see they are not.
But then again, there are too many parents who are so busy self-serving themselves that they don't care to take the time involved with interacting with them and explaining why they shouldn't follow the leader in dressing similar to the way the Gangs do. It's bad news and it leads to bad behavior.
Ironically, those negligent parents are the first to blame someone else as a result of their loss.
If you decide to attack another person just because they're there to keep their neighborhood safe, don't be surprised if they protect themselves with a fitting defense. And most of all, whether they're right or wrong, don't be surprised if they use it. It's the right to bear arms in accordance with your Constitutional rights to bear arms. In this case, George Zimmerman was clearly being physically attacked at the time he defended himself from possible death.
George Zimmerman may have been overzealous in his behavior with Trayvon Martin in questioning his suspicious looking nature, especially when thefts had been taking place, but he's not guilty of murder.
He's only guilty of saving his own life from an equally overzealous teenager who wanted to assure himself he was capable of beating up and possibly beating to death a non- black human being.
His death was truly unfortunate, but until parents teach their children to be more respectful of their fellow being by not dressing like a gangbanger hoodlum, they're taking unnecessary and unfortunate chances that could easily have been friendly circumstances otherwise.
If you're not black, don't take a neighborly stroll down the African American part of Rainier Avenue in Seattle, even in the daytime without some sort of defense on your person. You can be sure that anybody who confronts you is going to have one!
You can place the blame on Leaders of some of these Ethnic groups who, although they have blended into the American way of life themselves, see an opportunity to Community organize in a negative sense and keep the pot of racism stirred with their speeches and demonstration prompting.
After witnessing several Hispanic parades on Communist day, May 1st, in Mt. Vernon, their bullhorn prompting is not to blend the newcomers into the already established American way, but to keep racism alive and well to suit their own financial desires. Their self serving need to be a leader, so to speak. Chanting Anti-American slogans, Claiming Mexican Independence while here and waving Mexican flags in the faces of American citizens is obviously not showing the rest of us that you're wanting or trying to live life the American way. Try waving the American flag, you may get to like it and I know we Americans willl.
I don't by any means feel uncomfortable in the presence by invitation of Hispanic people into their home.. They themselves are honored and gratified that the Caucasian American people would accept an invitation to enter their home. They prefer to be friendly and love to demonstrate their friendship and willingness to blend into the normal, family unity way of life. They are truly a family oriented race and we could certainly do well by learning the lost art of family interaction that they have never ignored. However, leader presence can be sensed when someone of Community Organizing stature comes into the picture. With them comes a presence in the air, you might say, of separation that didn't exist before. It's almost as if that person doesn't want any type of commingling to take place that might change the mood of resentment that they've worked so hard to establish, principally for their own means.
Don't you think you would be more inclined to be proud to welcome them as newcomers to our country if they carried American flags, sang American Patriotic songs and expressed the wish to be American citizens along with the rest of us? Rather than being prompted to carry the flag of Mexico, chant anti-American slogans and then look at us for three months after parade day, like they've just kicked us in the shins and "What are you gonna do about it?" look? That behavior is prompted by the Community Organizers!!
But they aren't stupid by any means, they want to advance and they will some day tell these Community Organizers to get lost. It's only a matter of time.
The African Americans will hopefully want to do the same thing. It's going to be more difficult for them in the sense that a major portion of them have abandoned their "family" atmosphere by the unfortunate disunity caused by the ranting of people like the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson, "Bafoon" Al Sharpton , Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright. They're the enemies of American unity for sure and again for their own selfish means.
The African American population would be doing themselves a great favor by turning their backs on those who continue to make a living by spreading a facade of dissent that only benefits their own pocketbooks. but does harm to the people they pretend to represent.
As a professional Handyman, I do work for all races and have always felt welcome when entering their homes. We all have the same common problem and that's the intrusion of Gov't trying to take command of our homes.
In my desire to remedy the problem and knowing that most of our problems come from big Gov't, rather than be solved by them, I'm recommending every retiring politician should be required to spend a Federally mandated sentence of 2 years in the pokey. Just sayin'.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
The latest tactic of the Democratic Puppetmasters is in full gear. The problem with that is, they have forgotten to shift the Clownwagon out of reverse!
Here we are in the last part of the 4th year of Obama's 1st term as a totally bungled Administration in which he has done absolutely nothing to improve the monetary health of this country.
But he has so far successfully managed to evade being around when anything crucial to this country's welfare was at stake. If it was controversial at all, which it almost always was, he was always somewhere else in Air Force One headed for Europe or some other Third World country on some more important business. More important to him, that is. Like apologizing to the rest of the world for the success and strength of the U.S.
You see, his priorities for the future of the U.S. were different from what the rest of the patriotic people of this Nation thought it should be...., and it still is that way.
So it doesn't surprise me that in the middle of this election year, that he thinks he can excuse himself from all the Administration blunders that took place, and no doubt are still going to happen unless he is removed from office.
All he has to say is, "I don't know, I wasn't there at the time. I'll check with my more than competent staff. I was away on more important, International business concerning world affairs." "I can't be responsible for everything that happens when I'm away."
Time after time, month after month, he has always made himself scarce when a major controversial event took place in our country. Yet he always seems to be right there (somewhere else in the world) when a major event takes place, where ever it may be in the rest of the world.
But he conveniently wasn't available when the Wall St. protesters started there dirty work, although he was quick to remark in leaving that they had every right to protest because of their discontent with the U.S. and it's deteriorated condition since it's their Constitutional rights.
Yes, there was squalor alright, but only where they were and it was them who created it. I don't think I have to describe the filth they left behind them as they moved on, do I?
Yes, he threw money at the economy each time he boarded his comfort zone inside Air Force One, not creating any productive jobs though, but somehow creating disappearances of a half billion dollars of taxpayer stimulus money every time he tried. Solyndra for one, M.F.Global for another, and many more that are showing up as I write. But he couldn't be responsible for it, because he wasn't personally there when it disappeared!! Doesn't the warning bell start ringing yet? "I just don't know where the money went!"
And here he is, in the middle of a campaign where he is continuing to throw more cow manure at the screen door, trying to make at least some of it stick? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
Again, here he is, trying to make Mitt Romney look bad because he was a very successful investor in the recent past, by taking over failing business places in the private sector and teaching them to make a profit in the future or encouraging others to get out of failing businesses where they were futile and impossible to save? Reality checks, you could call them? Did he make money doing this? Of course he did! All successful, private companies make money on the backs of others. But the backs of those others get rewarded in return for doing it. That's why we used to be able to afford two cars in the driveway, Now, it's dummies who vote for other dummies!!
Isn't that what this country needs right now? Of course it's not!!
This country doesn't need an Atheist hipocrite to remain in office, but we do need to eliminate the very expensive failures that Barack Obama has created, paid for and will continue to encourage until he is booted out of office. He has no productive dollar creating experience, has never worked in a productive dollar environment and has yet to pay for his own way for anything he has done since he sneaked into this country from Kenya in 1984. The same year that Atheist billionaire George Soros, quietly slipped into it after he fled from Hungary and other European countries he played a role in bancrupting.
Where's all the money that disappeared, Barack? As the President of the United States, You ARE responsible for it and need to explain it! Not explain it 'or' get out of office, but explain it 'and' get out!!
Don't try to lay it on the back of Mitt Romney. He earned his money the smart, business entrepreneur way and deserves to keep it any legal way he can and where ever he can. It's the American's right to dream and act on it should he choose to. It's the "American way," You haven't learned that yet. We have!! It's our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to demand you explain where the money went.
Mitt Romney needn't explain where his money is or how it got there until Barack Obama explains where our taxpayer's dollars went. Where's the paper trail???
Just sayin'.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Have a good look at them now, before it's too late for you to change your mind. Have you not realized how many have fooled you into believing they were behind your honest to goodness, hard efforts to get by the way you dreamed of and were promised, only to assess yourself and find they weren't truly there for YOU at all 4 years ago.? Are you better off than you were then?
Did you really know what the Liberal Press (Main Media), Atheist Billionaire George Soros, (The man who is really behind the Marxist Socialist machine throughout the World) Atheist Barack Obama, Atheist Arianna Huffington of The Huffinton Post, Atheist Debbie Wasserman Schultz of the DNC, Atheist Nancy Pelosi, Atheist Harry Reid of the now exposed (Thanks to Glen Beck,) disorganized Democratic Party had in store for you? I'll just bet you didn't! ..... And I'll again bet they didn't really want you to know, because they needed the votes of naive, unknowing religious voters in order to accomplish their task. After in power however, they are a little less fearful of them finding out the true reason for their objective. I believe all of these people truly do NOT believe in God, even though some of them hide behind the skirts of one church or another. They can't, and still wish Marxism on this Country's destiny.
So Folks, let me tell you what I think they had, and have in mind. You see, they obviously don't agree that the way of life we have had in the past of plenty of work and plenty of opportunity if you wanted to pursue it, should be the way it works. Having two cars in the driveway with a good portion of "Garage sale items" taking up parking space in the garage, a two week vacation every year, and a pretense of at least having a sizable bank account to count on if you needed it. Let's throw in the privilege of attending your favorite restaurant once a month with your coveted family and then off to church where you can sincerely believe there is a God watching over things should you need him, and thanking him for just being there. Shouldn't that be the way to go? Well, Just for you younger ones' information, that IS the way it went!!
In the favorable seasons, Picnics and barbecues were common, with your favorite friends and family, choices of meat and food to suit the pocketbook. Along with the feeling of being secure with a Military that had proven itself formidable to any Aggressors that we have defeated in the past 235years.
Some families at least had the realistic wish that they could help their kids through school and for those who couldn't, kids were encouraged to find a part-time job to aid themselves. They did!
Do you see anything wrong with that so far?? I'm older and retired now, but I can look back at that way of life as the normal way to live.
I was never reluctant to donate to charitable causes, be it for people in a different part of the world or right here in good old North America. Not unlike any other working citizen, I simply did it because I could. I, along with the majority of the civilized modern world, bore no hard feelings for the way other people in the outside world preferred to live, because I felt if they wanted to elevate themselves, they simply had to do what the United States and Canada did. They demanded a better way of life, fought for it, and through creative means and hard work, earned it.
Do you see anything wrong with that proven, achievable philosophy? I don't! Were we taking it for Granted? No! Because we earned it.
But that's not the way the Atheists look at it, and that's not the way the self appointed Elitists of the world look at it either! Their vision is total control. Control to be able to do as they please, but at the expense of the general population of the planet. The sub-serviants, I will call us.
The rest of the underdeveloped nations are looking at us as being over abundant. To them, over abundance means us having things that they don't. It doesn't matter how we achieved it, that we paid a sacrifice to get it, they just know we have it, and think they should too, or we shouldn't either.
The Obamas of the world have enticed the underprivileged to believe that OUR country's wealth will be the key to THEIR success. He has left them no alternative but to believe it.
(I know you may think I'm overdoing this thing about the Atheists, but I in turn, see a clear picture of their Modus Operandi. They are groups of Individuals who, for different reasons, oppose the far larger groups of us that prefer to walk on the same beaten path that was pioneered for us through our preferred, God loving beliefs.) Truthfulness, Decency and Morality is not among the aggressive intentions of these people. In fact , its not even on their wish list!
They are attempting to place us in a position of shame for what we've accomplished here in America, rather than to praise us for doing it and being proud of it. The shame is, they're managing to do it from within our own borders. Isn't that enough to frighten you?
Barack Obama, being the brilliant Orator(simply a master of reading speeches) that they've recognized him to be, was perfect for accomplishing the tasks of the Atheists, and the group I previously mentioned is part of the same well oiled machine that furnishes the fuel to Obama in his speeches.. But through him, they must render this country powerless to do it.Their mission is simple, take from the hard working fortunate to purchase the herd of Sheeple. Who cares where the food will come from to feed the sheeple once they've accomplished that? They won't care!! Their first mission is to take this country down, financially. Then they'll be doing what Jerry Sandusky has already been doing. It's part of their group.
They haven't done as they promised you they would. Their change is not what you were promised.
They lied, and are still lying to you today. Don't wear your shorts backwards with this group.
Just sayin'.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Today a Starbucks friend payed me a compliment just by letting me know that he and his wife read my blogs. That's a compliment to me, whether or not they agree with my opinions. It means they are allowing my freedom of speech to enter their household and that alone means for those who believe in it, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights is still our strength, regardless of those uncomplimentary few who would defy it's purpose and message in their frightful attempt to convince us to ignore them.
Having moved to this Great Country in 1976 to enjoy it's opportunities and freedoms that are scarcely enjoyed outside of our borders, I have chosen in my semi-retirement years to reflect how good it has been to at least appreciate those opportunities and freedoms that are so easily taken for granted by those that I refer to as "Freedom Moochers". If I took any wrong turns, it was strictly my own call.
Along with the compliments, he also gave me an article or two that prompts me to pass their contents on to you. The contents were written by another writer by the name of Dan Kennedy. The message concerns every citizen's rights to entrepreneurship afforded to us by Patriots of our 1776 War of Independence from the British and the importance of reminding ourselves that Freedom isn't free.
It's ironic that the " Freedom Moochers" who refused to defend this country in a time of need and ran for cover, all the while denouncing their Citizenships and loyalty to the flag, should eventually return to claim the rights of the same rules they despised in order to be disobedient. A conundrum, I say!!
I recognize the fact that some people have weaknesses that stand as obstacles in their way and simply are not mentally equipped to handle situations such as war and confrontation. So those of us who are inclined to protect them from mental or physical harm stepped forward to do just that without expectations in return. The problem is, these dissidents weren't content with getting freedom "free of charge" and never accepted their pecking order. They kept on screaming. It's what's happened in every war the U.S., Canada, Australia and their Western Allies ever fought. No doubt there were always financial interests involved as well, but to the Military and it's warriors, they fought the battles solely in the interest of freedom. Not being interested in the Math of it all, they fought and died for every human who depended on their success to do it. It included the "Freedom Moochers." Those that would make our honorable defenders rue the day by trying to instill the Communist way today.
Fast forward to where we are now. We have allowed ourselves to be fooled into electing deceitful leaders who promised one thing under the guise of "Change", letting us surmise all would be done in accordance with our past way of life of 235 years and the Independence that accompanied it.
What blind fools we've been. Little did we know that the prosperity everyone earned through blood, sweat and tears would be threatened by the very same weak people our brave warriors fought and died for.
Dan Kennedy chronicled it very well in his description of "Renegade Millionaires", what prompted them on, and their success stories from believing in "The American Dream".
Rick Harrison who rose from poverty to success through hard work, perseverance and the creator of "Pawn Stars", a hit Reality show as we speak is a prime example.
Rich DeVos, the Co-founder of Amway, (Another "rags to riches" success story) who was invited onto an episode of the Phil Donahue show just to be admonished and chastized in front of an "ambush" audience that was stocked with disgruntled, failed distributors( none of which had been successful in business). Donahue channeled their rage, carried their questions and attacked him for an hour. He then expressed his personal belief that not just DeVos' scheme, but the entire concept of ordinary men and women transforming themselves into exceptionally successful business people, was fraud. DeVos aptly defended himself However, with a note from Barbara bush saying, Donahue (0). DeVos (10).
I would have personally enjoyed watching Donahue wiggle and squirm if he had confronted my oldest brother, Stanley O. McNaughton, a very brilliant Military Veteran of the 2nd World War and the Korean war as a B-29 Bomber Squadron commander, who rose from Great Depression poverty and the first born of a family of eleven in a small, impoverished coal mining town of Fernie, B.C. Canada, to eventually live his later peaceful life as a co-founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Pemco Ins., and Evergreen Bank in Seattle, Wa.
He's from a family of eight brothers and I'm so proud to say I'm one of them. He believed in God, obeyed his Commandments and died suddenly without pain and had a smile on his face.
Phil Donahue wouldn't have been able to find a hole small enough to crawl into if that confrontation had happened.
I agree with Dan Kennedy when he says Liberals are Elitists, To believe in their Superiority, they must first convince themselves that the masses are inferior and need their guidance to survive. Therefore they place themselves in positions of Governmental authority and create mandates to control the masses. Their Atheistic views go without saying. They feel they must eliminate the existence of God in order to trump all Superiority.
The black political leaders are alone responsible for the downtrodden condition of the black race, nobody else. They have betrayed their people into thinking that the Caucasian race is in control and will never help them. Nothing could be further from the truth!
In fact I would like to see Herman Cain be chosen as Vice Presidential Candidate for Mitt Romney. I personally would love to treat everyone equal but simply cannot, not while they're being told we don't want to and are being held down by their own self serving kind who are simply in it for the money.
There are some Hispanic leaders who are on their way to accomplishing the same thing. It's my hope that some of the sensible ones will confront them for it. The Hispanics are here to further themselves and the best way to do it is to join us as equals, not defy us as some of the leaders would have them do. Their yearly parade on "Communist Day", May 1st, tells the story on that one.
I also agree with Dan that all of the "Changers" must be politically confronted and challenged with their views. It's particularly dangerous to not do so with the future of this country being on the line.
There is no room for compromise and hasn't been since they seized control of our Gov't and have offered no reasonable compromises themselves. They will only ask for compromise when they see they are going to lose. That way they will hope to salvage some of their unreasonable mandates for another time.
It's "go for the throat time", folks. It's apparent their philosophy for "Change" is so radically extreme that "Purgatory" between Heaven and Hell cannot exist in this case. They've made their "all or nothing" bid and we need to call their bluff. If Romney is smart, there will be no holds barred and no compromise.
As far as remaining silent to appease the "Peaceniks", Holler your lungs out!!! The American public are quietly hoping and silently screaming for someone like Romney to do just that. The time is past for being kind to the enemy, and right now, that's what they truly are to our Freedom. Just sayin'.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Aren't you tired of hearing it too? I mean, when a past President did something supposedly wrong during his administration once or twice through eight years of reign, it doesn't mean that a new President can go ahead and exploit that fact, only ten or twenty times worse. But the only reason they have for multiplying their many, many wrongs is starting to wear out. "George Bush did it too!"
Isn't it apparent to the General Populace who hear this nonsense day after day, after day, that the current Marxist Socialists don' have any other leg to stand on to compensate for their outrageous misdeeds, one after the other, after the other?
There's billions and billions of dollars missing out of the Federal coffers and they're arrogantly refusing to say what happened to that money. When there's an inquiry into it's whereabouts, they simply say with a grin, "I don't know!" Followed with, "It's been done on both sides." Aren't you getting tired of hearing that, still?
There's a lot of us laying awake at night, trying to make sense of it all, only to come to the same logical conclusion. You can't make sense out of something that has no sense in the first place!
In case you don't know what a 'conundrum' is, it's a problem that, if you don't find the facts, can never be solved.
Right now, the current Regime is operating on the assumption that if they don't expose the facts, they can never be found guilty. Even though it's a fact the money once existed.
For goodness sake, when are you going to realize that the money will never show up, simply because it never changed hands where it can be traced. Usually there's a paper trail but you can bet there isn't one here. Even if they don't get re-elected, it will probably never, ever show up.
Just imagine if they're given another 4 years of handling our tax dollars that haven't even been collected yet! And have a good look at the confidence they all have about remaining where they are, perhaps forever in their eyes. It's a confidence that tells you they know something we don't. They even laugh at accusations of fact, as though they ultimately know a secret we don't. Haven't you noticed that? They're being led by a master Puppeteer who executes it perfectly. A Chicago gangster style puppeteer.
Please wake up just a little bit, Folks! It's a dream they promised that's already turned into a nightmare for most, and a promise of control and wealth to a chosen few. Please take the time to notice the inevitable smiling to themselves.
A recent, juicy point of interest is concerning Debbie Wasserman Schultz, The leader of the DNC (Democratic National Committee). In a recent anti-Romney political speech, she indicated that it was a shady thing for Romney to be "hiding" his profits in a Swiss Bank. Somehow suggesting he is less than honest. In his defense, he is willing to show where his money came from.
How is it then, that it has just been discovered she herself has Swiss Bank Accounts. Could that somehow explain where some of the missing stimulus money went. Shouldn't she be asked to?
Have you ever seen and heard this "Cold hearted" lady in a political debate? She displays a stone faced look that would scare off a hungry alligator, and begins a tirade of "programmed" filibustering that is unequaled and unstoppable by any program "control" moderator or Host.
May I suggest that they be equipped with the ability to shut off her microphone when she starts in on one of these "uncontrollable" splurts that are designed to purposely over talk the opposition. By her so doing, she is depriving anyone else of their freedom of speech, wouldn't you agree?? Just sayin'.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
An offer to someone that can't be refused, maybe? Our President has all the means to do it and then some!
He came to this country in 1984, after being raised by his Missionary Grandparents from a baby in a Muslim environment. His home base was Kenya South Africa.
There is sufficient reason to believe his Grand parents were conscientious objectors to the war in Vietnam and had anti-american sentiments. They enrolled him in a Muslim religious school in Indonesia for the first 8 years. His mother had no professed religion and there's no indication she had much of a hand in his upbringing.His father was a confirmed Muslim and belonged to a sect that believed in a man possessing many wives. He had four. His wife eventually got wise and divorced him. Son Barack was adopted at the age of eight by a man his mother remarried with the last name of Soetoro. His name was changed to :Barry Soetoro. He later changed his name back to Barack Hussein Obama.
Around the age of 18, He applied for, received and held 3 different passports to Britain, Pakistan and Indonesia under 2 different names along with birth certificates stating he was born "Barry Soetoro" on Aug. 4th, 1961, in Kenya South Africa, the same date he was born in Hawaii.
He was in Pakistan at the same time that country had a "No entry" order for anyone who was a citizen of the United States.
Why on earth would he want to be in a strange, warring country at that particular time, anyway.
His knowledge of the United States was only that of disgruntled people who opposed the American way of life. Included in that were the Socialist Colleges and Universities of Atheist views in and around the Chicago area after he finally migrated to the U.S. around his age of 23.
So, at this time, who was this man?? Nobody really knows! Statements in his book are contradictory. The name of his book is "Dreams from my Father". The girlfriend in his book, "Julia", turns out in real life to be a composite of many women he sported throughout his young life while being addicted to drugs, including Heroin. He felt if he referred to them all as Julia, it would be more comfortable sounding in his autobiography.
He specialized in U.S. Constitutional law. It's suspected he studied it alright, not with the purpose of furthering it's Sacred values and believing in it as a loyal American patriot, but to learn it for use as a means to defy it! He's in the process of tearing it apart at this very moment!
He was inspired by and associated with, an Atheist group including the professed Atheist "Saul Alinsky", who is the founder of the infamous Chicago based "Midwest Academy" that specializes in Atheist based philosophy. Almost all of the people Barack has surrounded himself with attended there.
Barack Obama was once a director on that board and claims also to have taught judicial law at Harvard. With further research it's been found that he never taught a class.
If you were to ever have been taught the Chicago Underworld way of doing things, wouldn't you know how to make an offer to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that he couldn't refuse??? Personally, I don't think "Barry" is beyond doing just that.
Tell me why no one has brought that up yet! Do you think??? Otherwise, why on earth else would a Chief Justice who was adamantly against Obamacare change his opinion overnight in favor of it and then place himself in total seclusion.
Oh gosh!! I just woke up. I better drive home now and begin doing the dishes. No wife has ever murdered her husband while he's doing the dishes!! Just sayin'.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
After watching the morning news, it's apparent that the general population of the once tiny Democratic Island of Hong Kong is not happy with their new Communist leader. Maybe it's not too late for us to take a lesson from watching what's transpiring due to the Communist inspired takeover by China from the British several years ago. They don't appear happy.
After operating under British guidance and influence, that although it was a Socialist type Democracy, was still a flourishing free market system working well for them for many, many years. But it was still a freedom enjoyed by the average citizen like us Americans and Canadians, taken for granted. until Marxist/Socialism began actively and openly(sort of) knocking at our front and back door, so to speak.
The point of the lesson is in seeing a country go from Democratic rule to being under the thumb of Chinese Marxist, Atheist rule. All this happening after knowing and experiencing the right to govern one's self in an atmosphere of freedom.
So be it with the poor citizens of Hong Kong. There's really not much hope for those people to ever return to the freedom they once knew. They have absolutely no avenues in which they could fight back, even if they wanted to. They're doomed to Marxism forever with China being their unwanted Supreme Ruler. The one thing they have in common though is, they both have a language they all speak. Mandarin Chinese!
Now take a good look at what's about to happen here in North America. After finally being able to pull the stocking mask off the face of the 'laughable' Democratic Party, we find ourselves confronted with a very similar situation right before our very eyes. For God's sake,(that is if you still want to reserve the right to believe in God,) open your minds and hearts as to what's going on here.
To those who look up to Barack Obama, (A puppet for Atheist Billionaire George Soros) please recognize the true intentions of the renamed "Progressive" movement.
Barack Obama's behavior, along with the nasty defiance of his White House and Administration, is already that of assumed Dictatorial power, as though they already have no intention of ever stepping down, election or no election. They are attempting to seize control as I write this blog. If they could, they would! They are totally ignoring the Congress in it's attempt to make them abide by rules handed down by our great forefathers who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights in compliance with our Judeo/Christian beliefs.
The only difference between us and the Hong Kong situation is, We still haven't learned to speak Mandarin Chinese.
When you see the thugs successfully desecrating our flags, excluding our children from prayer, denying the presence of God and his Ten Commandments, the encouraging of civil disobedience on our streets, the hatred of our Military for defense of our individual freedom, the defiance of our Constitution and Bill of Rights that have made us strong and united for more than 230 years, the bare faced lies being told by Obama and his Regime on a daily basis in order to get re-elected by fraudulent means, surely you must sense something is rotten in the United States of America.
Don't allow yourselves to be fooled by the rhetoric. It's deadly this time. Just sayin'.
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