Wednesday, October 3, 2012


      He did it well. Why? Because he knew what he was talking about from beginning to end. He knew the issues, and he told the truth. There was no questioning his honesty and style. He simply laid it out the way it is. On the other hand, Obama was still in Limbo, believing his own B.S. that I think he is starting to doubt himself.
     But how can he argue on behalf of himself when there is really nothing there to argue for? He tried to defend his past actions which have been no compromise whatsoever at any time, anyplace or anywhere. When confronted with that, he claimed he did try to compromise, but only on his terms. Do you call that compromise?
     Obama then complained that Romney won't reveal the intricacies of his plans if he was elected. Well, do you remember as clearly as me the time when Obama got elected and immediately summoned the Democratic portion of Congress in behind closed doors, unanimously passed a 2700 page Obamacare bill with absolutely no Republicans present because they were locked out from attending the session. The fact is, they hijacked the control of passing the bill, eliminating any chance of filibustering by the opposition. The real shame is though, They themselves couldn't tell anyone after the session what was in the bill. Nancy Pelosi, Socialist Speaker of the House was so blatant and rude as to joke,"We had to pass the Bill so the people could learn what's in it." The trouble is, it only drew a few embarrassed snickers.
      The gall of the President to insist and complain about Romney not wanting to elaborate on his plan , is almost embarrassing beyond comprehension.
      Good for you, Mitt Romney!! Hip Hip Hooray!!     Just sayin'.

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