Thursday, October 4, 2012


      Some time back, I mentioned that AARP was donating money to the Democratic campaign, and at the same time receiving Federal Grants every year. I believe that to be a fact. I also mentioned AARP was aggressively selling insurance clearly on the premise of the new Obamacare plan going into effect on the 1st of Jan., 2013. They started advertising for this approx. 1 year before it was to be enacted into law. This at a time when there were many questions and doubts about the authenticity of Obamacare and it was still being challenged in the Courts. For all intents and purposes at the time, it was believed to be illegal the way it stood and waiting for a Supreme Court decision.
      Now, remember I pointed out that AARP is a type of brokerage firm who doesn't own an Insurance company per se, but represents other insurance Co.'s as a conglomerate and by doing so can sell more product at a supposedly cheaper rate than just an Independent broker. Like "bundling" or something similar to that! They make a profit off the top. So far so good.
      The fact is, AARP has been investigated for their shadowy contributions before, but inevitably the story faded into the distance, to not be brought up by the Main Media again. Just another one of those Liberal/Socialist mysteries, maybe.
      Anyway, in the debate last night Barack Obama came out in defense of Obamacare and in so mentioning, offered the knowledge that together with AARP, they sat down and drew up the plans for how the Insurance Co.'s would play a roll in the implementing of such a plan. This done specifically, I gather, with AARP alone. Not along with watchdog groups or anything like that which would protect the rights of the individuals it would affect. In other words, he skirted around the Constitutional process once again. I'm guessing that tens of millions of policies were sold with the assurance that it would definitely come into effect. That put AARP way ahead of the other Independent Insurance Co'.s who may not have contributed to Obama's campaign, and weren't invited to offer input. They may not have offered it, simply with the fear it might not take effect.
      I'm guessing that, had it not been approved by the Supreme Court the strange way that it was, AARP would have probably faced a tremendous lawsuit by the purchasers for having led them to believe something that didn't actually happen. Quite a chance AARP was taking wouldn't you think? Or were they? Was someone made an offer they couldn't refuse? Was the fox helping to build the hen house?
      Don't you think there's something fishy here from start to finish?  Just askin'.

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