Monday, October 8, 2012


     Why am I pointing this out? BECAUSE IT'S ILLEGAL, that's why!! A watchdog group with no political ties, has yesterday discovered this. If you doubt this, just watch FOX NEWS. Where you get all of the news, not just some of it.
     I can hardly wait for Obama to be confronted with this in the next debate. You see, whether or not he is going for broke in this campaign, the European Union thinks he's a "second coming" of  Karl Marx, and their cohorts the Muslims, think he's the "Second coming" of Mohammad. There seems to be no serious conflict in their beliefs that would keep them from joining forces in defeating the beliefs in the American way.
     It doesn't matter which, they have one thing in common, the taking down of the United States of America. as the most powerful country in the world as we know it.
     You say, "how can they do that?" Well, it's a sort of "money laundering" in the respect that Super Pacs ( a conglomerate of donation collectors who aren't required to reveal their source of donors.) can claim that all of their donations were $200.00 or less. It's easily done by a large company giving the names of all it's employees as having donated 200 dollars to Obama. But they're doing it totally without the knowledge of the employees, much less taking it away from the employees.
     Both sides do it, but the difference is, it's not supposed to come from outside the country except  through the military.
     Obama's people are apparently receiving money from countries where we have no military. (43%) But make no mistake, the billionaire Atheists who have their money safe and sound, and above the fray, are throwing plenty of subversive money in there too, expecting to get it back when he wins.
     That's just my way of seeing it of course, with the help of Fox News.  Just sayin'.

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