Saturday, January 5, 2013


     To keep the record straight on a recent posting on FACEBOOK concerning George Carlin and his supposedly written 'final thoughts', so to speak, my information has it that it was written by Jeff Dickson in May of 1998, first of all. It was hijacked off the internet and has now shown up to be attributed to George Carlin Jr.
     What a beautiful attempt to make it look as though he had a change of heart about life in his dying moments. I doubt any Atheists ever take the time to write such a well thought piece.
     First of all, he was an Atheist who time after time denounced the existence of God and made his living dwelling on that fact. He was a comedian who no doubt used his filthy mouth to his advantage in his successful efforts to make money. He loved to use his nasty mind in humor.
     Like all Atheists, he placed himself  above God and often referred to God as "incompetent". Just as all Atheists do today. Particularly rich ones.
     He blamed all nasty mishaps in the world as examples of  God's work, not believing in the Devil as most Christians definitely do.
     To me, the biggest sin here is for other Atheists to try to make him out as some sort of hero for having the mind to write such beautiful stuff in his last days.
     He died with nothing to look forward to and probably looking at a pornography photo. Certainly not any heavenly image. Throw dirt on him.
     I was prompted to write this blog with the retaliatory thought in mind for whoever it was that immediately erased my comment on facebook concerning the posting of his lovely writings.
     You can eliminate this one too if you wish, but I'm getting a pretty good idea who's doing it. I use no dirty language to speak of so I don't think it's facebook after communicating with someone there.
     Falsely glorifying someone who established his own morally crappy legacy is wrong and I have the right to speak my mind about it. Just sayin'.


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