Thursday, March 14, 2013


     The Christian philosophy is generally to trust your fellow man and assume him to be forthcoming and sincere, as you would be to him. Well, that doesn't work, my friend.
     Unfortunately, the most disappointing fact in "true to life" experience is, other people will do things to you, that you would never conspire to do to them. It's just your kind of Christian protocol that comes with being raised that way. Although God is good, it's not necessarily always his way in real life.
     In the more distant past, a handshake was taken in good faith and you could almost surely depend on a verbal promise. But not anymore.
     You see, when people begin losing sight of trust and sincerity through lack of practice, they also lose a bit of guilt along with it. Pretty soon, their dedication becomes more to themselves with less consideration toward others. So it goes, and without being reminded, increases with the absence of moral teachings.
     Have you paused to wonder why the "Well Oiled Machine" backing Barack Obama has been so successful in their advance toward Socialism, Marxism and inevitably Communism?
     I believe it's because they, as they stray from the need to be sincere, can feel more free to stray from those basic principles that the rest of us have trusted and lived by, in the belief of a higher power. Although deceptive, it works for them and without fear of reprisal as we would have feared.
     Sadly enough, because we wouldn't do some things against our moral beliefs, it's made us vulnerable to their sometimes immoral, misleading and dishonest actions. All questionable things that they are so much in the habit of doing, no longer feel wrong in their eyes. But they are in ours.
     Lying for instance, is rampant among them, and they do it for whatever purpose that suits them.
     In the past, it has been the habit of all parties to give the benefit of the doubt, thereby letting things slip by in a quiet manner. But not so now. Contradictions, lies and Oxy-morons by the Socialists, right up to and including Barack Obama, are all too common, every day events and principally ignored and not brought to light by the Main Media.
      I take my hat off to Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and the Conservative Contributors at Fox News for finally realizing there is no other way but to stop being naively polite and start calling the Deceivers and Liars for what they really are.
    Glen Beck was right in exposing the Left for what they are, just to have the Socialists (Atheists) portray him as what they themselves truly have been guilty of all along, being Marxists/Communists, plain and simple.
    Their habit of Accusing the Right of a false ploy in preparation of them actually committing that very crime is all too apparent anymore, and they're getting caught redhanded lately.
    The "Community Organizers" are becoming more obvious, and that's a good thing. There seems to be one that inserts him, or herself, in every crowd
    I urge all my readers to watch Bill O'Reilly on The O"Reilly Factor and Sean Hannity on Fox News, Channel #48. It's the only way to get both sides of the story.   We sure aren't getting it from the Main Media anymore. Just sayin'.


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