Wednesday, July 17, 2013


     Since I moved to the United States, I never dreamed I would see the day that we, as people proud of being Americans would stand idly by and watch the moral destruction that's presently taking place in our system.
     Every hour of every day since 2008, in the Courts, in the Congress and the Presidency, there has been not just randomly, but continual non stop Anti-Americanism, Anti-God, Anti-flag and Anti- Constitutionalism.
     It's typical of a human or warm-blooded animal being in a state of shock, similar to passing away shortly after.
     But the killer, not unlike the cats, likes to play with the victim while it happens.
     This description might seem a bit harsh, but it is totally real when you look at the behavior of the Atheists, Muslim Brotherhood, the "Progressive" (Communist) Party and the totally insincere President, his White House Advisory staff and the Atheist, Rich "Well Oiled Machine" operating this Gov't from the shadows of Hell!
     They all are smiling sardonically as they prepare to turn this country into a Totalitarian State, and if need be, by brute force.
     It's pitiful to watch the "manufactured" racial discontent they have deliberately caused between the different races, just in order to deliver the fatal blow to what this nation has stood proudly behind for 245 years. True Democracy and Freedom!
     I see the people who stroll through Starbucks, most of whom don't agree with what's happening, and the ones who so boldly display their smiles of defiance as though they've already won!
     I can only warn you to have a second look at who you think your friends are.
     Those who are simply acquaintances who, just like the guy they voted into office, they don't really give a damn about your welfare or what happens to this Country as long as they can keep their fingers in the cookie jar of Gov't.
     I'll say this; There can't possibly be anyone who places their belief in God and the present Constitution who could at the same time ever be thinking of casting a vote towards those same people.
     It's a true Oxymoron for someone who claims to, or does go to Saturday or Sunday Church claiming to be a Christian, and still defends the actions of such a dishonest, lying and evil bunch.
     That includes Community Organizers, Politicians, and financial exploiters for any reason that still like to "put in a good word" for those bandits by saying, "Well George Bush did it!!"
      I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when they're being so hypocritical as to expect they can say it because it's their "Constitutional Right", especially as they're so prone to sympathizing with someone who would trample our U.S. flag, "kangaroo court" our common citizens who don't agree with them, and destroy property that our Taxpayers or private property owners paid for.
     I'm tired of hearing the "Freedom and money moochers" stirring up trouble on behalf of an Anti-American President who is supplying without fear of reprisal, war materials and money to the same organization that took down our Twin Towers on 9/11, 2001.
     The boldness and the sadistic gall of this man is not decently describable and I have no respect for him or the people who help him do this.
     There's no way in the world they can justify his ridiculous actions.
     I'm tired of seeing the "Hollywood" drug users, harlots and pimps who are tremendously overpaid and display their immoral stupidity while influencing the viewers with their child porn flicks to be immoral too. Along with the homosexuals, child predators, abortionists, drug pushers and gun runners like Eric Holder, who sold guns under the table to the major Mexican Drug Cartels who in turn used them against our border agents, killing one.
     They all have one thing in common. They want to bring the decent, law-abiding, truly God loving Citizens down.
     It's difficult as well to see the pitiful way the Supreme Court has behaved lately. They appear to have abandoned the original meaning of the three Sacred documents for some mysterious reason, which we may never know. (One thing we DO know, it's all about money!!)
     Also the behavior of John McCain who, along with Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham seem to be "getting even" with the Conservative movement that's bringing in new blood to the GOP, and the justifiable criticisms of their "Giving in" tactics to the Socialist controlled Senate.
     They have short memories when it comes to that word "compromise" the Obama supporters use, but haven't heeded once since they took control in 2008.
     They can't be so blind that they don't see what's happening to our Nation as a result of wanting to "compromise."
     I do believe their recent actions are intended to reject the notion that it's time for them to step aside for younger blood in the Party.
     John McCain's particular interest in Syria and wanting Al Qaida (A Muslim Terrorist Organization) to take over the country, is a bit of a mystery, too. Why on earth would he want that?
     He's had plenty of years to build his fortune through "Insider Trading" that all politicians are allowed to do, so it shouldn't be for the money. It seems a little odd that he would keep repeating it's for the cause of "Freedom" for the Country when he knows "that Sharia Law" is their motive once they win. Just sayin'.

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