DO YOu remember his speeches when first running for President?
The words he used so prominently such as "Clairvoyant", "Informative", "Patriotic", "Truth", "Constitutional", "Brave", "Equality" and "Honest elections"
What's so "clairvoyant" about "closed doors"?
What's so "informative" about "classified"?
What's so "patriotic" about "apologizing to the world" for our past deeds?
Why is discovering the "Truth", "phony scandals"?
Why is being an "American Hero" shameful?
What is "brave" about burning our beautiful flag?
What is "equality" about political tax exemptions for minorities that whites don't get?
What is "Constitutional" about bypassing our 3 Sacred, Constitutional documents with unlawful "Executive Orders"?
What is so "Honest" about dishonest, unqualified "Acorn"?
When will those questions be "HONESTLY" answered, and when will sincerity be returned to our Government?
Our Founding Fathers and framers exacted a recipe for money distribution when it begins or has been wasted; It's called "Non funding" by the House of Representatives when they are the controllers of the purse.
Even partially funding a bill that's wasteful is wrong!
Does the bank robber running with only half the money make it right? Just askin'?
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