Friday, August 2, 2013


     The great fear by so many politicians and voters about what he might do!
     Now that we recognize everything he does, comes  from neither him or his supporters reasoning it out, and discussing it in our Constitutional way, but instead, throwing it at us in a manner of the old saying, "Throw enough cow dung at the barn screen door, and some of it's bound to stick."
     From the very beginning, after taking control of the entire Gov't in 2008, they were so drunk with power, they were like whackos in control of the asylum. "One flew over the Coo coo's nest" comes to mind.
     The "Different direction" syndrome was all they could promote, time after time, after time.
     Aside from being an excellent Orator when the teleprompters are in front of him, he had no idea of economics, nor did the speech writers he
depended upon either. But by hook or by crook there they all were, like kindergarteners in a candy shop, celebrating and throwing the goodies everywhere and their play money they never earned, along with it.
     Immediately, Barack Obama appointed every Communist/Atheist he had met at the "Midwest Academy" in the Gangster town of Chicago or Harvard University, to join him in the "Remaking" of nasty America.
     When he finally came to America from Indonesia to stay, he did it with a vengeance and  distaste for the envied American way.
     All the American-hating misfits gravitated to this man when they recognized the speaking talent he had and together, they devised a plan so devious and unbelievable in a way that was intentionally too mishmashed for the average Joe with the lunch bucket to ever start to understand.
     They started devising programs and presenting them with not the slightest research being done, not the slightest commonsense to it and most of all, they didn't care!!
     They were, and still are, blind with Control. At last, they had the total ultimate power to do anything they pleased and since it wasn't their money, they promoted everything and anything that would transform them into more eventual power at the end of it all, and be damned if it hurt this country that had never before cared about their ideas in the past.
     They are a group of narcissistic, misfit people who had shunned the American way all of their lives, didn't like it, would like to destroy it regardless of the consequences to us, and have always had their vision of positions in the world where they could destroy the notion of God and whatever decency he might have promoted. they defy honesty and decency because it tends to stand in their way.
     To this day, they don't give a hoot about the welfare of this nation, and never will.
     They know, that without money, and no control over our resources that could create it, we will be a lost bunch of numberless human beings.
     Why else do you think this mindless group did with all the money they could lay their hands on during the first 2 years they had total power?
     Thank goodness the American people came to their senses and changed the House of Representatives back to the control of the Republicans in 2010! This took the control of America's purse away from them and stopped the bloodsucking way the Communist/Democrats were throwing it into the wind.
     Don't be afraid of this mindless man and what he might do. Just be ready to defeat him and if it takes shutting this Gov't down in order to take him down as well, you'll rue the day you didn't.
     Never before, has a country suffered through what this Greedy bunch is doing, maybe with the exception of  Idi Amin.
     None of them have any idea what they're doing. Not then and not now!
     No wonder everybody being questioned regarding the way they operated and what they've done, are all mixed up so bad. They don't dare reveal the facts. They have all had a role in the attempted destruction of our country and having been caught red-handed, wouldn't dare rat on each other now.
     Just sayin'.

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