Tuesday, September 3, 2013


     So, since we don't have a dog in the fight in Syria, and we're short of money anyway, together with the fact that, although John Kerry and his henchmen say Al Qaida is lessening in the rebel ranks Obama is supplying arms to, why don't the rich Arab Emirates who are oil rich, fight the battle instead of us?
     Why is it, through all of the conflicts between Arab Radical groups, such as the Sunnis and the Shiites, (The Sunnis being oil rich Saudi Arabia and the remaining Arab Emirates.) don't care?
     It is extremely difficult to determine who's right and who's wrong in the many wars having gone on in the Arab World for thousands of years between each other.
     One thing for sure, except for a small portion of Coptic Christians, whom they murder daily, they have one thing in common. If it wasn't for their oil supplying ties to the Western World, they could erase every white person in the world, off the human list!
     Lets not kid ourselves otherwise, anymore.
     Give them WMD's, (Weapons of Mass Destruction) such as Syria already has, and they will kill in the tens and hundreds of thousands, no matter who gets in their way, including us.
     Just look at how they have voiced so many times the fact they would wipe Israel off the map if they ever get the chance.
     Yes, it's the more Radical ones of each Sect, who would do it first, but none of them appears to really care who does it.
     In attempting to rationalize why we're involved with them in the first place, I'm only more and more confused as to who is right, and who is wrong within their many internal wars.
     There seems to be one thing in common between them, they have sworn to each other to not get along. Which brings me to my point.
     Knowing the fact that their Religion is so far in belief and custom from our Judeo/Christian one, there will never, ever be common ground between the two. If nothing else, neither side will allow it, anyway.
    Now, with us being short of money, and with the constant reminder from the Left that we spend too much money on our Military, why is it they suddenly want to wage war in the middle of a fight that doesn't geographically or militarily matter to us at all.
    The Leaders of all the rich Arab States don't care, or they would step in the middle themselves and settle it at their cost, not ours.
    Since they don't give a darn about the financial welfare of our Western World, why does Obama care about theirs?
    Alright, I got it! Sunni -trained Al Qaida is a branch of "The Muslim Brotherhood" who brought down the Twin Towers on 9/11, and they being a part of the Syrian Rebels, need help.
    Are you as confused as I am yet:?  Just sayin'.

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