Friday, October 25, 2013


      "Land of Opportunity" was a phrase coined by Johnny Goodfellow, ( A made up name by an unsung, unknown Australian Immigrant who landed in America more than 2 Centuries ago. and used by 25 other copy-cats who have assumed that name presently.)
      The expression led to the well known "American dream", which became a national ethos in the United States. It represents a set of ideals in which freedom means, "The opportunity for freedom and success. It's an upward, social mobility that can be achieved through hard work and not have to be from a part of an upper class".
      As expressed by James Truslow Adams in 1931 in the depths of the Great Depression, "Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability of achievement. "The American Dream" is rooted in "The Declaration of Independence" which proclaims that "All men are created equal" and they are "Endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights" including, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
     In the meaning of the Royal Governor of Virginia, Adams described it to mean, there was no stopping in the sense that, once you attained what you thought to be Paradise, there was nothing to stop you from achieving a move to what you determined to be an even better place farther West. Hence the reason the pioneers and wagon trains who, although rooted in the U.S. in the East, could further their desire to achieve even more in the West. They did!!
     The ethos today, implies an opportunity for Americans to achieve prosperity through hard work.
     With the application to apply "The American Dream", it included the opportunity for one's children to grow up and receive a good education and career without artificial barriers.
     It was the opportunity to make individual choices without the prior restrictions that limited people according to their individual class, caste, religion, race, or ethnicity.
     In all the different language Newspapers, without exception, they promoted "The American Dream". In so doing though, as happens in most cases of achieving personal success on a wide variety of scales, there are Narcissistic, Agnostic and self-serving types of people who envy others in their success. So they take "the line of least resistance" in wanting what you have, not what they should work for.
     Rather than commend those who have achieved, they have the irresistible tendency to not want to face the challenges to achieve, but to hinder or harass those who do! Then they expect the hardworking Taxpayer, through taxation, to share the wealth equally among the ones who didn't make any attempt to work for it.
     Such a situation is prominent in America today.
     I urge everyone who reads this blog to learn, or re-read the terms of the Constitution to come back to the realization of what it was meant to do. Protect us from an overzealous, bloated Gov't, rather than the Gov't being allowed to attack us and at the same time, protect itself from us.
      Our Country has been placed in the hands of self servers and it's only going to be the enforcement of the 3 Sacred Documents drawn up to protect us from the Tyranny of those same people. Just sayin'.

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