Monday, October 21, 2013


      Now that the Conservative News Media is spearheading the latest scandals, (And I say "scandals" because there is apparently nothing illegal the way our politicians behave monetarily.) are we going to be assured that our up-and-incoming representatives will correct the habit? Such as insider trading that no one else but sitting representatives can take advantage of, or contributions in large amounts to political campaigns that get sidelined and termed as investments and giving the donor 18% interest on it at the taxpayer's expense forever or until the "Loan" gets paid back?
      I mean, haven't we always wondered why people who are genuously wise with making fortunes through thrifty habits in their lifetime would so generously "donate" money to Campaigns, without a return on their investment? Well now we have the answer!
      Then to claim it on their income tax filings as a donation in order to avoid paying taxes on that amount?
      It's almost a conundrum, the way I see it, since it's going to take the Politicians themselves to change the Legislative rules of behavior. Why on earth would they want to do that?
     It'll be a chore to figure that one out!
     In the meantime though, that news may only be another smoke screen "leaked" out to us by the Obama Regime to cover for the Main issue that plagues the Country right now, and that's the complete boondoggle going on with OBAMACARE.  (Somehow, I don't think he wants us browsing on that one at the moment!)
     What are the contributions by the Insurance Co.'s involved in designing Obamacare going to reap in return for the cleverly schemed system? Well, I'll tell you! It's an uncontrolled guarantee that every American will have to purchase Health insurance from the same "Foxes who designed the Chicken coop" for Barack Obama!!
     At the present time, they are free to charge whatever amount they desire, with no limits on the amounts of Co-pays they assess either. This will go along with hamstringing the entire Medical profession in the amount they will pay for procedures, placing an additional charge assessed to the patient. The Medical Profession isn't going to enjoy being placed between a rock and a hard place, either!!
     Who do we need most, the Medical Facilities and their gracious lifesavers or the "Foxes that built the Henhouse"?
     We won't need the "Death Panel" Obama has planned for us old folks in the near future, because we'll simply drop dead when we see the bill!!  Great planning on Obama's part, don't you think?
     You don't suppose they're making another attempt to steer the News Organizations away from the real issue of Obamacare at hand, do you?
     You see the reason for Obama to "leak" this diversive operation of the Congressmen's monetary activity is, he'd rather see the Congress get it's share of  heat for doing skulduggery, and let them take the chastizing once again, instead of his taking the heat on the shenanigans of Obaqmacare. Anything but him taking Responsibility.
     Oops! (Yawn), Just woke up from a nightmare! Guess I better start up the old rattletrap and head for home. Just sayin'.

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