Tuesday, October 22, 2013


     It's kind of like knowing there's gonna' be a car crash, but not telling the occupants there's gonna' be one, rather than humble themselves. They decide to let the disaster take place and then, blame it on the road instead of the driver or themselves, leaving victims in the street while they move on to another plan so they can study how to make a safer car crash. (Or something like that!!)
     It's total disorder in our Country, because the experts involved, really aren't the experts at all, just like a bunch of misfit pirates from the Somalian Coast who hijacked the ship, and didn't know how to steer it.
     The only question here, is when are they going to abandon it? I mean, they're aware it's going to hit the iceberg, but just hopelessly waiting for it to hit. Meanwhile they tell the passengers everything's fine, that there really is nothing to fear from the iceberg.
     Why do I refer to them as misfits who don't know any better? ......Well I'll tell you!; The regular crew isn't there to steer the ship anymore. The real experts who once were a part of the crew, are out there wandering around without another ship to Captain and keep on course. They're a huge group of people called, "The Tea Party"!  You know, the ones who once were achieving their American Dream and helping other hardworking, contented Americans achieve theirs' too.
     The very people who, each knowing their jobs, from Lawyer's and Doctor's assistants, Bank Presidents, Industry managers, loan professionals, Coal and Mineral Miners along with the Presidents of all the companies who efficiently ran the productive world in America, alongside all the employees who co-ordinated and caused the Nation to be a roaring success for well over 200 years.
     They lost their jobs to the biggest third World Country on the face of the Earth, CHINA! Now I know they didn't necessarily start the problem. The WTO did.(World Trade Organization.)
     Which leads me to realize the present perpetrators who exist in our present White House Administration, were in bed with the WTO idea all along. Knowing it would happen like it did, but not telling us!!
     Yessir!! All of this, just to have our past Gov't replaced with every Nerd, Atheist, Homosexual and unpatriotic Misfit they could gather in America into one corrupt bunch. Community Organizers, all.
     They gathered silently from every walk of life, the Jew and Christian haters who never did fit in with the Mainstream. The narrowminded intellects who read the wrong books written by the wrong people and with the intended Absence of God.  
     The Idealists without reality, the nurses and doctors without compassion, the Lawyers without regard, the teachers and professors without regard or loyalty to the flag and the "Pacifist" Generals in the Military who looked for reasons not to be true Combatants, but enjoyed the power of it. The greed for Power.
     Combine that with an Anti-American President not raised in this Country and, "Look what we have!!" "THE ENEMY FROM WITHIN!!" Led by one of the biggest, most mysterious "Chicago Gangland" trained characters out of  "Who knows where?", "Muslim Brotherhood" supporter Barack Hussein Obama!!
     Who, by the way, is in open defiance of our sacred Constitution and supplying the Islamic Terrorists of the world, Al Qaida, with the latest American military arms and ammunition with which they wish to destroy us in the future.
     And this guy wants to take our guns from us???
     To anybody now in their later, mature years, It is sickening to see these Misfits who commit one big blunder after another, causing grief to the American Patriotic People, belittling and smearing the people who were the "Productive dollar" parts of the machines of the U.S.A.
     The ones who paid the taxes, and made the dollar what it used to be worth back then. The "TEA PARTY", a large part of our American Dream who operated within the confines of  Godliness and only wished to be able to depend on their Representatives they sent to Washington to do their business for them. (I remind you to read "The declaration of Independence" at this point!)
      I remember President Reagan asking a question of all his Administration Secretaries and Directors who had gathered at the White House to honor his Birthday, "Who's minding the store??" A question he asked jovially but seriously as well.
     Another thing, we wonder why our youth are committing the most ungodly acts these days? That's easy!! it's all connected to, "The absence of God", being taught in our Colleges and Public schools.
     It's time we asked the same question of our direly inadequate, irresponsible Gov't including the "Golfer", "Who's minding the Store??"
     And to this day, with all the slaughtering of Christians around the world, you hear Barack Obama make public announcements after the fact how heinous and unjust the killings are when it comes to school shootings taking place in America, but seldom does he specify the same concerning "Christians" around the Globe. To him and his bunch, we're just an obstacle in his way to Tyranny. Just sayin'.



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