Sunday, October 20, 2013


    I'm disturbed by the short term thinking of a lot of  Analysts and Commentators who are coming down on the Republican Congressmen due to the Gov't Shutdown. They aren't realizing the tremendous disadvantages of being in the Minority when compared to the Communist "Left" being in control of the U.S. Government.
    The fact they were overwhelmed by that amount, including the now "Communist" Main Media, doesn't make them losers in principle, but only that single battle.
    It doesn't mean they were wrong just because they lost. We lost a lot of battles fighting Hitler, but because of our wish to be free of Tyranny, we won the war.  Hopefully this war will have the same outcome.
    All of a sudden, the Media including Fox News pundits and Contributors are tending to jump over the fence to what they consider the winner of the battle, criticizing where the minority went wrong.
    They weren't wrong, they were simply the minority in the battle against the similar kind of political Tyranny and overwhelmed by the Political Majority along with the Fox Turncoats. The same turncoats who are celebrating the defeat of the minority by taking Juan Williams, a Fox News Contributor but clearly a Communist supporter, up front and center in chastising the actions of the Republican Congressmen. For shame on those fence-sitters who give up so easily to rush to the side of those who they term to be the winner.
     Those Congressmen who didn't cut and run even though they were losing, are my heroes, and you can also bet, heroes to the brave warriors who fought, sometimes dying but standing their ground to every last man, right from the War of Independence through to the present fight in Afghanistan.
     It's surprising to me Fox News didn't. God bless them all. Just sayin'.

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