Wednesday, October 16, 2013


     That's right! I'll tell you a story of someone I know that did the same thing one time, and he learned a lesson from it he'll never forget!
     He was one of a crew of 9 who worked in a well know Shipping Company warehouse in Seattle.
     Now, in every Group of people, no matter what, no matter why, and no matter where, the principle will always apply. You can't exclude anybody from the Party.
     You've got to invite everyone and he didn't. He was a person with good principles, or so he thought, he would do things for anyone in a pinch and was liked by most of the guys on the crew. But there was one guy whom he didn't care for that was annoying to him, and with himself being a stand up guy, it seemed to bother him that whatever he was or did, this other fellow wasn't and didn't. (I'm sure a lot of people see things in other people that they don't like either.)
     So, one Christmas he decided to hold a party at his place, and he sent out invitations to one and all, except for of course, the guy he didn't like.
     He and his wife went through a tremendous amount of time and bother in preparation, and finally the time drew near for the arrival of the group.
     The evening wore on, and with snow falling outside, it created the perfect mood for a Christmas gathering. But by 9:30 that evening, they began calling their friends to see why they weren't showing up. No one answered their phones that night and no one ever showed up for the party.
     The week-end passed and they still had no clue, that is until this man went to work Monday morning and asked the rest of the crew why they didn't show up. One of them finally spoke up and said, "You didn't invite Cooper to the Party!"
      The man learned then, and I'm sure he knows now, you've got to invite "everyone" to the party!!!
      Which brings me to my point.
      When the Democrats and Barack Obama took the 2008 General election by storm, the first thing they did was gather into a consolidated group, and being in the overwhelming majority, went into their meetings, locking the door to exclude the Republicans and began changing every thing that was traditional from the past about America to everything that wasn't.
      Including the fact the Constitution called for opposition representation in open door meetings. Doing what they did of course denied the Conservatives the Constitutional ability to present the views of the minority and the procedural right to filibuster changes they were making behind "Closed Doors". (Like the filibuster provision or not, it's part of the legal process bestowed on our Government.)
     The Majority knew this was Constitutionally wrong from the very beginning.
     For two years they continued on, ignoring the Constitution, rapidly and surgically changing rules and regulations and most egregiously of all, disobeying the guide-lines put forth by our Founding Fathers in the 3 Sacred Documents. Those things tell us how to conduct our Government in a proper manner. A manner which guarantees a free voice to all people that represent the American electorate.
     Now their Communistic plans are coming down around their ears and they know it.
     They're behaving like the prisoners when they overrun the Prison. No one with any responsibility is in charge.
     Barack Obama has resorted to the only way he has now that he's familiar with from somewhere in his Chicago Gang-style past. Talking to the choir and accusing the Opposition of the very absurd stuff he's already exercised in the past 5 years of his Administration. (The chickens have come home to roost and he's showing his true colors.)
     He's coming out with names that suit him and his Administration to a "T", but he's directing them at the Opposition and the Tea Party with the hopes of turning the tide.
     No one believes a word he says because of his so-frequent lies and his thuggery tactics from the past. He's desperate and it's starting to show, along with his partners in crime, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.
     It doesn't really matter now, what results from the deadlock they're having on the Debt Ceiling issue or Obamacare. They can place the blame on the Republicans if they want, but they can't change the fact that they haven't compromised on a darn thing since they took power, thinking they would never get caught up to. It'll all come out in the wash though, You know why??
     "THEY DIDN"T INVITE EVERYBODY TO THE PARTY", that's why!!  Just sayin.'.

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