Thursday, October 17, 2013


     In this case, it's probably bad.
     Everybody on the "right" is aware of the shenanigans of the FBI and Homeland Security under Obama's reign being discovered to have been able to monitor everyone's personal phone calls, text messages, E-mails, bank accounts and "Yes", everyone's rooms in the house by way of their T.V. sets and computers.
     Now I don't think they would have monitored my house for long, due to my gas blasts and snoring. But I'd be a fool assuming he didn't!
     However, since they admitted they could ,but didn't, monitor everybody's place, (even if they did), it would be difficult for someone of importance to claim they specifically were monitored for manipulatory reasons to obtain personal information on whatever they were observed saying or doing. (Follow me so far? If not, re-read this last paragraph again!)
     Now when all of you people on the "Right" already know they could do this, knowing the devious actions you've seen so frequently in the past, and the fact they did it so secretly, could you believe that the dedicated, "Sworn to Secrecy" Obama Regime wouldn't do such a thing as to target people on the "Right" and specifically members of the Republican Congress? Then save the videos and voice recordings to be used at one of their most opportune moments? Such as the "negotiations" that take place behind the "Closed door" meetings that some of them personally have with Barack Obama?
     And would you possibly believe Obama, with his "Gangland" style of doing business with the determination of NEVER conceding anything in any discussions with anybody, and I mean anybody, including prominent Leaders of both Parties, wouldn't in order to fulfill his dream of Totalitarianism?
     Awe....,come on now, you don't think he would??
     Haven't you been wondering about the Mysterious, sudden 180 degree "Changes of mind" by some of our usually dedicated Republicans such as Supreme Court Chief Justice on Obamacare immediately after his closed door meeting with Barack Hussein Obama?
     Have you not noticed the cock-sured-ness of the man in the way he walks, smiles and speaks? He knows that in order to unseat him, it would take nothing short of downright rebellion to get him out of there, regardless of who it might hurt.
     I suspect he has every politician that means anything to him, Pro or Con, "scared spitless" to oppose him on anything that he does or doesn't want for fear of having anything about themselves being "leaked" to his adoring News Media on the "Left".
     Not to say it's for certain, or anything so absurd as that, just ask yourself, would he, if he could?
     Really!! Would it surprise you, considering he has the persona of someone who never loses? Particularly someone who operates in the manner of "The absence of God"?
     But I must advise you that I heard one Leftist bystander remark to another that I was dillusional!
     Maybe! But I'm "Just sayin" anyway!

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