Saturday, October 19, 2013


     I must admit, there is spending necessary for all the basic functions of Gov't that we elected our Gov't to do. That is, our "duly elected" Gov't. including the President of The United States of America. However, under those "Elected" Leaders, most of the Secretaries and Directors selected by the President along with their staff are "Appointed".
     They in turn, are expected to be experts in the field of work bestowed upon them. In fact, I'll venture to go as far as to say, we should, if we don't, have them "PROVE" their capabilities by means of an Independent "Panel" (Congress) who would "Vet" them for their capabilities to operate their various posts in a timely and monetarily proficient manner.
     From there, they would allocate the spending procedures according to that specific Dept.'s budget that requires them to operate within their budget's means. All the while, being overseen by the "Appointed" Secretary or Director of that Dept. who then is required to report his actions to the "Elected" President".
     I point out these things in a suggestive manner, but actually, that is the required way it is expected to be done if we follow the intentions of our U.S. Constitution.
     Remember who is "responsible", and who is to "blame" . The "Appointed" people can be to "blame" for the misdeeds  in the way they handle things, because they are the ones designated by the President to get the "hands on" job done right.
     But we too often allow the "Elected" President who is ultimately responsible, get deflected from the misdeed by focusing on the "appointed" Perpetrator when the President is the one who is wholly and singly "Responsible" by dereliction of his duty to the Electorate.
    The sitting President in this case, followed none of those rules in defiance of the Electorate, the Constitution and the Congress even though he was elected by the Constitutional process that he deceivingly and intentionally swore to uphold.
    Instead of being a responsible manager of everything we elected him to do, he immediately, along with the First Lady, set out to do it his and/or her way. They defied our Constitution right off the bat, and have continually done it since!
    The Secretaries and Directors are allowed to take the "Blame" ( Which they should!) but not assume "Responsibility" along with it. (Which, because of being "Appointed",) they have no elected authority to do so! That's undisputably the President's job. (As much as he likes to think he can, he has no permission or authority to pass it on, nor should he!)
    So, no matter what happens in Gov't, The " elected" Officials are ultimately "Accountable" for the actions of the "Appointed" ones. That's only fair and that's the way it's supposed to be.
    Hillary Clinton, being an "Appointed" Secretary of State assumed the "Responsibility" for the Massacre of 4 American patriots in "The Benghazi" incident that should lay at the doorstep of the White House and ultimately Barack Hussein Obama! In this misguided step, she attempted to deflect the  dirty, nasty murderous deed (Which she had no Authority to do.) away from the President.
    So now, the question of  hundreds of billions of dollars that the "Appointed" Secretaries and Directors mishandled and mysteriously misplaced is coming to the surface for the true American Electorate, Whose "Responsibility" is it to find out where all that money went?
     You can throw in all the theories of "disappearance" that you want to, but it's the "Responsibility' of the Congress, particularly the House of Representatives who have the Whole control of the purse, to immediately demand to know where every taxpayer dollar went to up until now, before the Administration  gets any more to spend until they reasonably come up with the truth about it.
     Barack Obama's people have laughed all the questions off, insulted our representatives, mocked them at the Congressional Inquiries where they're sworn to tell the truth, and last but not least, blatantly made fools of themselves and everybody else by proclaiming "I don't Know where that money went!" while the whole World watched on Live T.V.
    How stupid do they think we are, and how stupid are they to think we can't find out?
    Congress "PLEASE!" Don't be foolish enough to give them one more dime until we do!!
    Just sayin'.

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